BMR Calculator for Weight Loss – How to Use It

BMR refers to the basal metabolic rate, which is the total number of calories that your body requires to do basic functions. These basal functions include breathing, circulation, nutrient processing, cell production, iron transport, and protein synthesis. The basal metabolic rate calculation requires a mathematical formula.

Basal Metabolic Rate and Resting Metabolic Rate

Many exercises and weight loss guides use the name basal metabolic rate and RMR-resting metabolic rate interchangeably. According to facts, both terms are similar. But there is some difference in the BMR and RMR that helps to understand.

Definition of BMR

The basal metabolic rate is a measurement of the specific number of calories required to do the basic functions of the body. It is measured in restrictive conditions.

What is the Resting Metabolic Rate?

It is a measurement of calories that helps the body to burn fat during resting time. This measurement is usually taken in the morning before you can eat anything or exercise and after full rest of the night’s sleep.

Now you know that the BMR and RMR are identical.

Your resting metabolic rate ought to be an exact gauge of your basal metabolic rate. Since the terms are comparable, numerous wellness and weight reduction specialists utilize the two terms to portray something very similar. Yet, the expression “resting metabolic rate” is increasingly normal.

Step by Step Instructions to Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate

On the off chance that you need to shed pounds, it’s useful to figure your BMR. You can either locate the number utilizing a formula outlined by researchers, you can get it tried in a lab, or you can utilize an online lab test. No technique is flawlessly precise, yet a lab test will likely give you the best gauge.

Be that as it may, since lab tests can be expensive, many dieters utilize one of the other two strategies to decide the basal metabolic rate, as well as the all, outnumber of calories they burn daily.

The Calculation of BMR

The Harris-Benedict Equation is frequently used to measure basal metabolic rate.

Men: BMR = 88.362 + [4.799 x height in cm] + [13.397 x weight in kg] – [5.677 x age in years].

Women: BMR = 447.593 + [3.098 x height in cm] + [9.247 x weight in kg)] – [4.330 x age in years]

The Most Effective Method to Change Your Basal Metabolic Rate

A mix of elements decides your basal metabolic rate. Hereditary variables, age, sexual orientation, and body composition all assume a job. There’s very little you can do to control hereditary qualities, gender, or age. In any case, you can change your body composition to promote metabolism.

The Most Efficient Method to Use BMR For Weight Loss

Since you know BMR, you can utilize the number to support you with weight loss. Your basal metabolic rate joined with two different factors can give you a thought of the entire number of calories you consume every day.

Total Calories Burned Every Day

Basal metabolic rate: Total calories burned every day is 60-75%.

Activity thermogenesis (Exercise and non-exercise movement) calories burned every day is 15-30%.

The thermic effect of food (calories burned from consuming and digestion) calories burned every day is 10%.

If you can burn more calories than you eat, then you will get a calorie deficit or energy imbalance. A calorie shortage may happen from 500-1000 every day that results in 1-2-pound weight loss every week.

How to Change BMR For Losing Weight

Your BMR reduces as you lose weight, which means you have to consume even less food as your weight reduction to continue dropping pounds. Muscle loss may be somewhat responsible for some people with BMR and strength training. Try to give a workout to your muscles at least 2-3 times a week using resistance bands, free weights, sit-ups, squats, and push-ups. Taking fitness expert help also help to plan your exercise.

Can Your BMR Drop Below 1000 If You Rigorously Calorie Restrict?

BMR has interesting science and history. Let’s view some fantastic resources for further understanding. The BMR was a study performed in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was applied to food to track the calories in the 19th century. BMR is a strict way to use oxygen in your body, and food is one of the parts of it. However, only some food needs in this process, and calories will not accurately absorb when it is happening.

The body generates energy from burning calories, but preferably from chemical reaction toward the molecular level, which splits apart a molecule described adenosine triphosphate. It delivers tremendous quantities of energy as needed by each cell of the body.

Therefore, BMR represented as calories are inaccurate and misleading. When people think in terms of calorie restriction, they believe in terms of lowering the food they consume. It is the most harmful part of the complete idea of considering food as only energy.

A healthy metabolism needs 93 important nutrients to function of the body and breakdown the food into cellular structure and process needed to survive and grow.

If You Consume Under Your BMR, Will You Have Weight Loss?

Losing weight under BMR depends on several factors. This diet will slow down your metabolism to keep with calories consumption. Losing weight requires to learn how fat cells get affected. It requires to reduce carb consumption. Therefore, if you want to lower fat cells from the bloodstream, then try reducing carbs and combine 60% healthy fats, 20% carbs, and 20% proteins. You can choose healthy fats like nuts, avocado, coconut oil.

Gradually, your body adjusts itself being famine and reduce metabolism. You will require to fight or flight your hormones, which causes an imbalance of your hormone.

However, strict diet and calorie restriction under BMR often cause unpleasant reactions and side effects. It is the thing many people experience and end up gain weight back. That’s why it is important to go slow with a restricted-calorie diet.

Your Daily Calories

It may sound irrational, yet you will eat a similar number of calories consistently – regardless of whether you work out or not.

You’ll consume calories every day — a few days progressively, a few days less, and that is alright. Your physical body needs rest to work ideally, which is a significant factor in the huge plan of any wellness plan. You will get your favorite foods and won’t feel deprived or hungry.

Your Work Out

The IIFYM BMR calculator needs your physical activity level for good reason. You can determine your BMR from exercise and make your body burn extra calories when you are resting around. It happens because muscle during resting helps to burn extra calories (fat) at rest. Therefore, it follows that the more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn at rest.

Perform aerobic exercise that helps to promote your BMR, which is an effect also referred to as afterburn or excess oxygen consumption after exercise. This boost reduces dramatically after aerobic exercise. Your BMR goes back to the normal level in 15 minutes-48 hours after a workout.

Doing strength training helps to promote BMR because it changes your body composition by burning fat and promote muscles. It is the reason men naturally hold high BMR than females.

You can raise your calorie deficit by including more workout and intensity work out to burn more calories to add muscles.

Basal Metabolism Rate Restricting Calories Can Be Harmful

The BMR basal metabolic rate is a specific amount of energy that increases during rest in a neutral environment after an inactive digestive system for 12 hours. It is a resting metabolism when you are sleeping.

The basal metabolic rate is enough energy for your central nervous system, brain, kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, sex organs, muscles, and skin functions to work properly. People with obesity or overweight should not require slow BMR. BMR is generally faster to manage excess fat and allows the body to do hard work for performing normal functions of the body.

Growing lean muscle mass may raise your BMR, but there is a different limit for women and men. Some supplements may increase your BMR at a limit and may cause severe side effects.

Consuming extra calories from increased physical activity is the most rational way to boost metabolism. When an individual is on a diet, BMR reduces the conserve energy and save vital organs. The important thing is to manage an increased diet as well as BMR to manage a healthy weight and burn calories.

Your Calorie Requirements, Explained

A calorie is defined as the measure of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1gm of water by 1°C (1.8°F).

In any case, you’re bound to consider calories the unit of estimation for the measure of the energy of your body gets from the nourishments and drinks you devour.

People trying for weight loss restrict the calories they eat. However, calorie restrictions can lead to different health problems, including weak bones and infertility.

Your body needs calories to function and use three major processes.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR):

As we saw above in this article, BMR is several calories for the basic functioning of body parts.


Your body needs a specific number of calories to digest and metabolize foods you consume.

Physical activity:

It refers to the calorie requirement to fuel your daily workout and tasks.

Generally, consuming more calories than the need of the body will result in weight gain. It is essential to reduce calories to lose weight.

This calorie balance idea, which is maintained by strong scientific analysis, is why people needing to lose weight regularly try to reduce their calorie consumption.

Low-Calorie Lower Metabolism

Eating low calories than you need will cause you to slow down your metabolism. Many studies tell that a low-calorie diet helps to lower the calorie in the body to burn as much as 23%.

The lower metabolism can continue for a long time after a restricted diet.

The researcher thinks that this reduced metabolism may somewhat tell why more than 80% of people retrieve weight again when they leave a restricted diet.

Restricted calorie diet and slow metabolism cause muscle loss. Try to prevent muscle loss from a slow metabolism by consuming adequate calories to sustain BMR. Slightly improve your calorie consumption.

Nutrient Deficiencies and Fatigue

Consuming fewer calories than your body needs causes fatigue and makes it challenging to meet the daily nutrient requirement.

For example, restricted calorie diets offer a sufficient portion of folate, iron, vitamin B12. It may lead to extreme fatigue and anemia.

Additionally, the number of carbs you consume may play an important role in fatigue. Some research tells that restricted calorie diets with reduced carbs cause fatigue in some people.

However, some studies tell that low carb diet lowers the fatigue. Restricted calorie also limits important nutrients including,


Consuming protein lower than the requirement causes nutrient deficiency. It includes beans, dairy, peas, fish, meat, lentils, seeds, and nut. Protein deficiency causes brittle nails, muscle loss, and hair thinning.


Limited calcium intake causes bone loss and fracture risk. Calcium food includes leafy greens, calcium foods, fortified milk, and tofu.

Thiamine and Biotin:

Reduced consumption of legumes, eggs, whole grains, dairy, seeds, and nuts reduce vitamin B, which results in hair loss, muscle weakness, and scaly skin.

Vitamin A:

Limiting vitamin A-rich foods such as fish, meat, leafy greens, orange color vegetables, and fruits may impair your immune system and damage your eyes.


Reduced consumption of magnesium, leafy greens and whole grains cause migraines, fatigue, abnormal heart rhythms, and muscle cramps.

Get enough calories to prevent fatigue. If you consume more calories, then burn it from exercise.

Reduce Fertility

Suddenly restricting your calories also affects your fertility health. Woman’s ability to ovulate depend over hormone levels such as luteinizing and estrogen hormone to occur ovulation.

According to research, LH levels slightly depend on the calorie available in the woman’s diet.

Another study tells that women consume 22-42% fewer calories than the required for managing a healthy weight have suppressed reproductive functions.

Having reduced calories lower the estrogen levels, which also impact on heart and bone health.

You will experience infertility signs, including the missed or irregular menstrual cycle. However, slight menstrual disturbances may not have symptoms and need a detailed medical examination.

According to research, calorie restriction impact on reproductive functions of men.

Weaken Your Bones

Consuming low extreme low calories cause to weaken bones. It happens because of the reduction in testosterone and estrogen levels. Having both reproductive hormones reduction may cause bone fracture risk and weaker bones.

Additionally, calorie restriction-combined more stress hormone and physical exercise create more risk for bone health.

Reduce Your Immunity

Calorie restriction causes to increase the risk of illness and infection. It applies to viruses such as common cold and especially occurs when combined with high physical activity.

How To Consume The Correct Number Of Calories?

Calorie needs are different from one person to another and depend on factors such as height, age, gender, physical activity, and weight.

Counting enough calories helps to lower the negative health effects.

There are some ways to count your daily calories according to your goal needs.

Learn your BMR: Use an online calculator to find the estimate of the minimum number of required calories for your body. Try to avoid fewer calories.

Measure your everyday necessity: Use an online calculator to evaluate the number of calories you have to keep up your present body weight.

Additionally, make sure to count your food in an online journal for better assessment. The tracking diet helps to give you an idea for proper nutrients.

While you are trying for long term weight loss, use patience. Stay honest with your diet and calories to avoid calorie deficiency.

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