Low Carb Diet – Foods That Will Get You Through

Low carb diet is a remarkably effective way of losing fat. According to studies, low carb diet can prevent diabetes and insulin resistance. Low carb can excrete overheating foods and reduces high calories. Since carb reduces blood glucose, it can help to balance the levels also.


Low carb diet refers to the limiting of carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, sugary foods which contain high fats, protein. According to many studies, there are different low carbs to include in weight loss.

Low carb diet is unsafe?

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No! Low carb diet is fine for short-term weight loss programme.
According to some research, low carb diet is unsafe and have risk associated with death from various chronic ailments.

Prof. Maciej Banachfrom Medical University of Lodz in Poland present a new study on low carb at European Society – Cardiology Congress Munich, Germany. Their analysis found people with any slow-growing disease can avoid low card diet. But healthy people can have a short-term diet of low carb.

Low carb diet can benefit not only weight loss but also lower the blood pressure. It boosts blood glucose levels.

Any long-term diet of low carb can create a problem with cancer or cardiovascular ailments.

Foods to Avoid

To follow a proper diet plan you need to avoid certain food which includes:

  • Sugar: Ice cream, fruit juices, sugary soft drinks, candy, and other products which contain sugar.
  • Refined grains such as barley, wheat, cereal, pasta, and rye.
  • Trans fats such as hydrogenated oils.
  • Low-fat products such as dairy products added sugar dairy products and crackers.
  • High processed foods such as factory-made foods.
  • Avoid vegetable starch during low carb diet.

Before starting a low carb diet, you need to know the foods which have low carbs such as vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts, and fats. Here are the details of low carb foods.

Low Carb Vegetables

There are many vegetables which contain a low amount of carbs. Most of the vegetables such as cruciferous and leafy greens contain low carb and a majority of them consist fiber.

Avoid starchy root vegetable such as sweet potatoes and normal potato because these contain high carbs.

Here are the best low carb vegetables

Broccoli – Carbs: 7 grams per 100 grams

Broccoli contains vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber and powerful cancer-fighting elements. It is a delicious cruciferous vegetable. You can eat it as cooked or raw broccoli. It contains essential carnitine which converts fat into energy and promotes fat loss. Its calcium content decreases the formation of new fat cell and breakdowns stored fats and its Chromium values help to regulate insulin.

Tomatoes – Carbs: 4 grams per 100 grams

Technically tomatoes are berries or fruits, but it is popular as vegetables. Tomato contains high potassium and vitamin C. Its low carb properties helps in fat loss.

Onions – Carbs: 9 grams per 100 grams

Onion is the best vegetable to add flavor in many recipes. It makes almost every recipe tasty. As it contains antioxidants, high fiber, and anti-inflammatory compounds, you can add it to your low carb diet. The content of quercetin and flavonoid in onion helps to prevent fat buildup and promote metabolism.

Brussels Sprouts – Carb: 7 grams per 100 grams

Brussels sprouts associate to kale and broccoli. These are extremely nutritious vegetables to use in low carb diet. It contains

  • Vitamin k
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Zero saturated fat

It helps to provide various health benefits for fat loss. Remember not to overcook brussels sprouts as overcooking may lose its vitamin values.

Cauliflower – Carbs: 5 grams per 100 grams

Cauliflower is a delicious and tasty versatile vegetable which used in many amazing recipes. As cauliflower contain high fiber, it helps to support fat loss diet.

Apart from fish, cauliflower also contains omega-3 fatty acids which stimulate leptin secretion and improve body response to insulin. Leptin is an essential hormone which responsible for managing body weight and metabolism.

Kale – Carbs: 10 grams per 100 grams

Kale is the best dietary fiber vegetable for health-conscious people for enjoying it various nutritional benefits. It helps to suppress the hunger and provide 10% of required daily 2000 calories. It supports weight loss if added with high fiber food.

Kale contains glucosinolate which helps to detoxify the liver and prevent cancer. It also prevents cognitive decline and slows down disease like Alzheimer’s.

Warning: Kale contains vitamin K which may increase blood clots. So, it is important to check if you are healthy enough to add this vegetable to your diet and take your doctor advice.

Eggplant – 6 grams per 100 grams

Eggplants are a handy vegetable with many cooking uses. It is tasty which almost everyone loves to eat. It contains high water, low calories, and fiber which support good weight loss. Its benefits include:

  • Support digestion
  • Regulate cholesterol
  • Fights cellulitis
  • Good for liver and gallbladder
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Provide potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus to the body.

Cucumber – Carb: 4 grams per 100 grams

Cucumber is a refreshing low carb diet vegetable. It contains zero fats. Its high-water content promotes hydration in the body. Cucumber greatly aids in regulating high blood sugar.

Its antioxidant qualities block oxidation and prevent free radical’s reactions. It also contains some vitamin k. You can add it in low carb diet for fat loss.

Bell Peppers – Carb: 6 grams per 100 gram

Bell peppers/capsicums are especially rich in vitamin C. It contains low calories, high fiber and carotene antioxidant for which you can add in your low carb diet.

Green Beans – Carb: 7 grams per 100 grams

Technically green beans are legumes, but everyone eats it as vegetables. It contains vitamin K, vitamin C, protein, magnesium, fiber and potassium.

Green beans contain high fiber which gives a feeling of a full stomach and prevent frequent hunger. The complex carb of green bean helps pancreas to regulate excess insulin production. As insulin has a link to fat storage, the green beans help to convert fat into energy.

Asparagus – Carbs: 2 grams per 100 grams

It is a tasty spring vegetable which contains vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, high fiber, and carotene antioxidants. It is an excellent source of B1, B2, B3, and B6 and low calories which helps to suppress the hunger and regulate blood sugar. Additionally, it helps to prevent food craving which can cause overheating.

Asparagus contains fiber which promotes the digestive system and probiotics growth which helps to reduce bloating.

Mushrooms – 3 gram per 100 grams

There are some edible mushrooms which people eat as a vegetable. It is one of the low carb vegetables to help get you through. It contains an adequate amount of vitamin B.

According to the research button and crimini mushrooms can help to reduce heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Adding mushroom to your diet has found metabolism improvement and weight loss.


Generally, fruits are healthy, but all the fruits do not have low carbs. Even there are some fruits which are high in carbs than vegetables.

You can avoid certain fruits intake depending on your carb requirement. Here are the low carb fruits to add to your diet.

Avocado – Carbs: 8.5 grams per 100 grams

Avocado is a unique healthy fruit which contains low carb as well as healthy fats. It remarkably contains high fiber, potassium, and other adequate nutrients. Remember the major part of avocado carb is fiber which does not contain digestible net carb. Therefore, while adding avocado to your diet add some digestive vegetable or fruits also.

Olives – Carbs: 6 grams per 100 grams


The olives are a tasty fatty fruit. It contains an adequate amount of vitamin E and a high amount of iron and copper. The fat content of olive is mono-saturated which heart-healthy fat. It decreases cholesterol and helps to prevent inflammation. Olives own health benefits for fat loss.

Note: Avoid bottled or canned olives as they contain high sodium and calories which may cause water retention and result in bloating.

Strawberries – 8 grams per 100 grams

Strawberries contain low carbs. It is the healthiest dense fruits including nutrients. It also comprises several antioxidants, manganese and vitamin C.

According to research strawberries contain a unique nutritional element which helps to stimulate metabolism and suppress appetite. It also helps to control blood sugar and fat loss.

Grapefruit – Carb:11 grams per 100 grams

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit which contains carotene antioxidants and vitamin C. It also owns health-boosting phytochemicals such as beta-carotene, limonoids, flavonoids, and lycopene. However, grapefruit is a healthy choice for low carb weight loss plan.

Apricots – 11 grams per 100 grams

You can add apricots to your low carb diet as it contains only 11-grams carbohydrates and lots of potassium and vitamin C. You can eat it as a low-fat snack which can keep you satiated for 5 hours.

Lemons – Carb 9 grams

You can replace the sugary drinks with lemon juice water. It supports healthy fat loss due to plenty of vitamin C. Lemon helps fast to detoxify your body.

Apart from sweet and tangy taste lemon provide health-promoting benefits such as cleansing liver, help digestion and boost metabolism.

Mulberries – Carbs: 14 grams per cup

Mulberries are sweet flavor fruit of mulberry trees. People use it due to its nutritional values. It uses in jam, juices, canned food, and wine. It contains soluble fiber in the form of pectin and insoluble fiber as lignin.

According to research, mulberries are best for obesity, it activates brown sugar and supports fat loss.

Kiwis – Carb: 15 grams


Kiwis are a handy diet food with low carbs. It contains vitamin C and natural enzyme for protein digestion. You can eat as a delicious snack or salad with meat during the diet.

Oranges – Carbs: 12 grams


You can add oranges to your low carb diet as a snack as it contains low sugar. It also contains low calories which support weight loss.

Low Carb meat and Egg

Eggs – Carb: Zero

Eggs are nutritious and healthies low carb food which contains antioxidants, protein, and Vitamin A. They contain all the essential nutrients which not only help weight loss but also help brain functions and eye health. You can add vegetables with eggs all forms including:

  • Omelet
  • Hard boiled
  • Fried eggs
  • Poached eggs
  • Soft boiled eggs
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Deviled

Chicken – Carb: Zero

Everyone eats chicken throughout the world except vegetarians. It provides exceptional nutrients and a great source of proteins.

Beef – Carb: Zero

Beef contains essential nutrients and stating components such as vitamin B12, iron with zero carbs to include in low carb diets. You can also eat ground beef, ribeye steak.

Lamb – Carb: Zero

Lamb meet also contain zero carbs with its nutritional benefits such as vitamin B12 and iron. As lamb eat grass, they produce a fatty acid called CLA- Conjugated linoleic acid. It is highly beneficial for weight loss.

Pork – Carb: Zero

Pork is another meat which contains zero carbs and prefers to eat in some parts of the world. Bacon is processed meat which is not good for weight loss, but low carb diet can have a moderate amount of bacon. The bacon should not contain artificial ingredients and should not burn while cooking. Remember to avoid bacon cured with sugar.

Jerky – Carb: Zero

It is strips and dried meat. Jerky without artificial ingredients and added sugar can help in low carb diet as a snack food. You may get lots of jerkies which are unhealthy and processed. Therefore, check the product label before buying. It should be pure meat with seasoning.

Low Carb Seafood

Low Carb Seafood

You can add seafood to your low carb diets. It’s healthy and provides amazing nutrition. Seafood and specifically contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12, and iodine. Here are the types of fish which are next to no carbs food.

Salmon – Carb: Zero

Salmon is a fatty fish containing healthy omega – 3 fatty acids. It is a popular fish for health-conscious people. Salmon fish provide benefits to heart health. It also contains iodine, vitamin b12 and little amount of vitamin D3.

Sardines – Carb: Zero

Sardine is a naturally oily fish which contain every dense nutrient which body needs. It is popularly eaten whole fish with its bones also. It is good to add in low carb diet.

Trout – Carb: Zero

Trout fish is low carb diet friendly fish containing omega-3 fatty acids.

Shellfish – Carb:4–5% Carbs

Shellfish is a rich source of nutrition which is rarely added to daily food intake. This fish is closely rank to organ meat while comparing to its nutrient density and low carbs. Per 100 grams shellfish contain 4 – 5 grams of carbs.

Other seafood with low carb include:

  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Shrimp
  • Haddock
  • Catfish
  • Lobster
  • Cod
  • Halibut

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are remarkably famous on low-carb, yet high in fiber, fat, protein, and different micronutrients.

You can eat nuts as a snack while use seeds in dishes. Likewise, nut and seed flour, for example, coconut flour, almond flour, and flaxseed flour use in low carb bread.

Almonds – Carb: 22 grams per 100 grams

Almonds are tasty and crunchy which contain vitamin E and fiber. It is the best source of minerals and magnesium to add in low carb diet to promote weight loss.

Walnuts – Carb: 14 grams per 100 grams.

Walnuts are miraculous nuts which have omega – 3 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Its fat content is heart healthy which stimulate fat loss. Adding it to your low carb diet can be the best choice.

Peanuts – Carb:16 grams per 100 grams.

Peanuts also contain low carb which is legumes, but you can eat it as nuts. It provides benefits such as vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and minerals.

Generally, people avoid peanuts in diet, but according to research, you can eat peanuts as a snack in your low carb diet.

It provides health benefits such as regulating blood sugar and provide satiety. It provides enough energy and reduces hunger. In that way, it promotes weight loss.

Chia Seeds – Carbs: 44 grams per 100 grams.

Chia Seeds

Throughout the world chia seeds used in different low carb recipes. It provides healthy nutrients which contain dietary fiber. Chia seeds provide a feeling of a full stomach and reduce overeating.

Chia seeds contain omega 3 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid which provide health benefits to the heart. It also prevents free radicals cell damage.

Fats and Oils

You can add healthy oils and fats in a low carb diet. Good fat is important for the body. Remember to avoid refined vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil which are unhealthy if eaten more. Here are the oils and fats you can add in your low carb diet.

Butter – Carb: Zero

Choose grass-fed butter in your low carb diet. Instead of oils, you can fry vegetable and meat in butter provide many benefits to your low carb diet plan. Butter contains more balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid. It is important for managing excellent health. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Carb: Zero

Extra virgin olive oil can be a part of low carb diet as it is the healthiest fat. You can use it for cooking stirring or dressing vegetables of your diet plan. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidants help heart health.

Coconut Oil – Carb – Zero

Coconut oil is one of the healthy fats when consumed. It provides medium chain fatty acids which give great benefits to overall metabolism. Coconut oil helps to reduce appetite problem and promote fat burning.

After adding vegetables, fruits, meat, and fats to your diet don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Water also contains no carbs. You can also drink tea coffee and club soda.

You can also use herbs and spices such as ginger, garlic, pepper, salt, cinnamon, oregano, and mustard. These will get the delicious and tasty flavor in your diet food and ad their extra nutrition.

Low carb sample diet plan

Here is sample low carb diet plan for one week.

This plan gives less than 50 grams of total carb each day. If you are healthy enough and have an active lifestyle, then you can eat some more carbs.


  • Breakfast: Eat different low carb vegetables with an omelet fried with coconut oil or butter.
  • Lunch: Have some almonds and blueberries with grass-fed yogurt.
  • Dinner: Eat vegetables with salsa sauce and a bunless cheeseburger.


  • Breakfast: Eggs and Bacon.
  • Lunch: Veggies from last night and leftover burger.
  • Dinner: Vegetables and Salmon with butter


  • Breakfast: Eat fried vegetables in butter or coconut oil and eggs.
  • Lunch: Shrimp salad with olive oil dressing
  • Dinner: Vegetables and grilled chicken.


  • Breakfast: low carb vegetables fried with coconut oil or butter and omelet.
  • Lunch: Drink smoothie with protein powder, coconut milk, almonds, and berries.
  • Dinner: Low carb veggies and Steak.


  • Breakfast: Eggs and Bacon.
  • Lunch: Chicken salad with olive oil dressing.
  • Dinner: Low carb vegetables and Pork Chops.


  • Breakfast: Low carb different veggies and Omelet.
  • Lunch: Some walnuts, coconut flakes and berries with grass-fed yogurt.
  • Dinner: Low carb vegetables with Meatballs.


  • Breakfast: Eggs and bacon.
  • Lunch: Smoothie with heavy cream, protein powder, coconut milk, chocolate-flavored and berries.
  • Dinner: Few raw spinach leaves and grilled chicken wings.

If you have a goal to keep 50 grams of carbs each day, then add enough low carb vegetables and one fruit in your diet.

Eating low carb is a healthy idea to maintain health and body fat, but do not completely stop having carbohydrates. Take expert advice before starting a diet program which should be short term. The long-term low carb can risk your life specifically when you have silently growing diseases inside your body. Do a test of your weight, IBM levels, cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure if you notice any light symptoms. After having a normal report of every test confirm that you are healthy enough to start a low carb diet.

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