Low Carb Cabbage Salad Recipes: Benefits of Cabbage Salad

Cabbage is a convenient vegetable and comes in different sizes, shapes, and colors. You will get red cabbage, green cabbage according to different regions. In the low carb, 3-4% of carbohydrates can replace pasta, rice, and potatoes in different ways. Cabbage is an affordable vegetable, which available throughout the year.

Low Carb Cabbage Salad Recipes

Course Salad
Cuisine American
Keyword Cabbage Salad, Low Carb, salad
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 6 people
Calories 237kcal
Author Gouher Munshi


  • 4 Cups Cabbage (Sliced)
  • 1/4 Cup Cilantro (Chopped)
  • 1 tsp Black Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Cup Cucumbers (Sliced)
  • 1 Cup Radishes (Sliced)
  • 2 tbsp Chives
  • 2 Cup Arugula
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 2 Chicken Breasts Optional

For the Dressing

  • 1/2 Cup Mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
  • 1/2 Lemon Juice


  • Make a slice of cabbage, radish, and cucumber finely. You can use a mandolin if you have one.
  • Take a large bowl and combine all sliced cabbage, radishes, arugula, cucumber, chives, chopped cilantro, cooked chicken, and chives.
  • Take a small bowl and prepare dressing ingredients for the salad.
  • Mix all mayonnaise, lemon juice, and Dijon mustard.
  • Pour the thin dressing on cabbage salad and sprinkle salt according to taste. Then sprinkle some black sesame seeds.


Nutrition Facts: Amount Per Serving

  • Calories 237 (Calories from Fat -144)
  • % Daily Value*
  • Fat 16g - 25%
  • Cholesterol 56mg -19%
  • Saturated Fat 2g -13%
  • Carbohydrates 5g - 2%
  • Fiber 1g - 4%
  • Potassium 470mg -13%
  • Sodium 621mg -27%
  • Vitamin A 345IU - 7%
  • Sugar 2g - 2%
  • Protein 17g - 34%
  • Calcium 47mg - 5%
  • Vitamin C 28.1mg - 34%
  • Iron 0.8mg - 4%
%Daily Values, according to a 2000 calorie diet.


Types of Cabbage

Cabbage has many varieties and grown in the entire world. Cabbage belongs to a cruciferous vegetable family, and it is a staple food in China, Ireland, and Italy. Here are the different types of cabbage.

Green cabbage

The green cabbage has a dark or pale green color with a smooth texture of leaves. The inner leaves appear pale green to white. Sometimes out a layer of cabbage looks tied around as it grows to keep the inner leaves white. Storing cabbage in cold causes to make it white. Green cabbage also has three types, such as domestic, Danish, and pointed. The Danish type cabbage is grown for the sale of late fall and stored in winter.

Domestic green cabbage is loose, round, and has flattened heads with curled leave.

Pointed types of cabbage are mainly grown for spring seasons. These are smaller in shape and have smooth leaves.

Red/Purple cabbage

Red cabbage has a similar kind of flavor of green cabbage. Red cabbage has an inner deep red color and purple outer layers with white lines. It has a slightly hard texture than green cabbage. Red cabbage provides more vitamin C, which is 56% of RDA in one cup serving.

Savoy cabbage

The savoy cabbage has ruffly, crinkled, yellow-green leaves that form reduce compact head that other cabbage types. Savoy cabbage has an extra delicate texture and lighter texture than another type, which makes it the best choice for salad.

Tuscan cabbage

The Tuscan cabbage is from Italy, and it got a lot of popularity. It has a dark green color and sometimes almost black. It is also available in the months April to September like cauliflower and broccoli.

Tuscan cabbage produces vitamins A, K, and C. Choose this cabbage with deep color and firm texture. You can store this cabbage in the fridge for five days and wash it before use.

Even More Varieties in Cabbage: Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage is linked with American cabbage in terms of the market more than botanical relationships. Every region and market has a different name for vegetables. Here is some Chinese cabbage available for good health.

Bok choy

Bok choy has a bulbous cluster and a loose topping of dark green leaves and light green stems. They look firm, crisp, and have glossy leaves, white stems.

Avoid the Bok choy with brown spots on the leaves as they may lose flavor due to temperature imbalance.

Choy sum

Choy sum also belongs to Chinese cabbage. It is also known as flowering cabbage. In Japan, it is known as Seishin. It has slim stalks with round leaves and small yellow flowers. Choose firm and crisp choy sum.

Gai Choy

The Gai Choy cabbage has broad leaves and curved stems with a slightly closed head. They have pungent, strong, and mustardy flavor. It is completely edible, yet the leafy part is not advised as they are used for pickling, salting, and drying.

Napa cabbage

The Napa cabbage comes from Japan. It is also used in American cuisine. Napa cabbage also has different varieties, but two of them are common such as wong bok and Michihili. It is used cooked or raw as regular cabbage for salad or recipes.

How to select the best cabbage

Choose solid and heavy head cabbage. Fresh cabbage will not have loose outer leaves. Also, fresh cabbage is flexible, clean, without any limp.

If cabbage is not fresh, then it will have worm damage and discolored veins. The cabbage stems should be healthy-looking and trimmed and not split or dry. The outer and inner leaves should be firmly attached to stems.

Look for cabbage head, which should not be puffy. Although Savoy cabbage has looser leaves, lighter. Winter and fall cabbage from storage is generally firmer than the fresh cabbages of summer and spring.

Don’t buy cabbage with quartered or halved heads, even if it is well wrapped. As the leaves are torn or cut, the vegetable will lose vitamin C.

Benefits of Low Carb Cabbage salad

Here is the detail information about how cabbage and other ingredients of cabbage salad benefit your health.

Shield from radiation therapy

As the cabbage belongs to cruciferous vegetables, it is called as 3,3′-diindolylmethane(DIM), which has been shown to raise short term survival rate in the study of radiation in animals.

According to a study of Georgetown University, rats were made to consume lethal radiation. Some of them left untreated, and others were got treatment of everyday injection of DIM for two weeks.

As a result, the untreated rats died, and the rats on DIM continued to alive to the 30 days remark.

The DIM helps to protect against cancer and increase healthy tissues.

Prevent Cancer

Cabbage comprises a compound called sulforaphane that helps to stop cancer. According to the research of the past 30 years, eating cruciferous vegetables have a link with reducing cancer risk.

Recent research discovered that the sulfur compound present in cabbage fight with cancer. It helps to limit the ability of cancer cells and delay the disease. They found positive results for preventing molecular levels of cancers such as pancreatic, prostate, esophageal, melanoma.

Research tells that the sulforaphane can prevent a harmful enzyme called histone deacetylase (HDAC), which causes to increase the cancer cells.

According to another study at the University of Missouri, cabbage contains another chemical called apigenin. This chemical helps to reduce cells of breast cancer in the study of mice.

Red cabbage provides a strong antioxidant called anthocyanin, the same compound that provides by other cabbages.

In the lab test, the anthocyanins shown to reduce cancer cell proliferation and kill the newly formed cancer cells. It also stops tumor cell formation.

Heart health


The powerful anthocyanins of red cabbage that also promote heart health. It helps to suppress the inflammation, which might cause cardiovascular problems.

According to the report of American-Journal-of-Clinical-Nutrition linked with the consumption of food rich in flavonoids by reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular issues. The high content of polyphenol present in cabbage also helpful for lowering the risk of platelet accumulation and lower high blood pressure.

Promote digestion and Immunity

Cabbage consumption helps in digestion and promote immunity. It helps to absorb minerals and vitamins. The water and fiber content in the cabbage helps to stop constipation and manage a healthy digestive system. Eating enough fiber boost the regularity, which is essential for flushing out toxins from stool and bile.

According to research, dietary fiber also helps to promote the immune system and lower inflammation and prevent the risk of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

Provide Vitamin C

Cabbage provides ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which helps to assist in many body functions. Eating vitamin C promotes collagen and promotes the flexibility and structure of the skin. It also promotes the functions of muscles, bone, and blood vessels. Additionally, vitamin C assists in the ability of the body to absorb non-heme iron.

Reduce Blood Pressure

Cabbage is the best food choice for lowering high blood pressure. Generally, people are advised to reduce salt intake for lowering blood pressure. However, recent evidence tells that increased dietary potassium helps to manage blood pressure.

Potassium is a vital mineral and electrolyte, which is an important requirement of the body to function. Its main job is to regulate blood pressure by contracting sodium effects in the body. It also flushes out the extra sodium by urine and relaxes the walls of blood vessels.

Red cabbage is the best source for potassium and provides 12% of RDI in every 2-cup serving(178-grams). Eating cabbage rich with potassium is helpful for people with blood pressure.

Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a waxy texture of fat, found in all cells of the body. There is good and bad cholesterol in the body. Good cholesterol is important for healthy functions. Bad cholesterol is an accumulation of fat of unhealthy food like fast foods.

The process of cholesterol depends on vitamin D, good digestion, and hormones synthesis. Having bad cholesterol causes to increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Cabbage salad is a healthy choice for lowering bad cholesterol.

Soluble Fiber

Cabbage provides soluble fiber that helps to prevent LDL cholesterol accumulations by connecting cholesterol in your gut and prevent it from getting absorbed in the blood.

According to the analysis of 67 research studies, people who consume 2-10 grams of soluble fiber every day find a reduction in LDL cholesterol by 2.2 mg.

Plant Sterols

The content of phytosterols in the cabbage is plant compounds. These are strictures similar to cholesterol and lower the LDL cholesterol by limiting the absorption of cholesterol in your digestive system.

Vitamin K

Cabbage provides a sufficient amount of vitamin K, which helps dissolve fat. Vitamin K has two parts such as

  • Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) Available Plant Source
  • Menaquinone (Vitamin K2)-Available in Animal Sources

Eating cabbage helps to promote body functions by providing vitamin K and prevent blood clots.

Easy to Include in any diet

Cabbage is a super healthy vegetable to add to any diet. You can use raw or cooked. It is added to various dishes like soup, stews, salad, and slaws.

It is an affordable vegetable and available easily.


Some people may experience difficulty in digesting cruciferous vegetables and get digestive symptoms. Eating a limited portion can help to prevent digestive problems. You should always take your doctor’s advice for understanding health.

Other Ingredient Benefits of Low Carb Cabbage Salad


Cilantro is an herb, which belongs to parsley. It is an addition to many dishes and recipes. It provides many benefits. Like other vegetables and fruits, cilantro provides antioxidants. Using cilantro helps to flavor the food and reduce sodium intake.

Plant-based food consumption helps to lower the risk of lifestyle-related health problems. Cilantro helps to prevent the following health conditions including Pain and Inflammation, Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Weight Loss.

2.Black Sesame Seeds

Adding black sesame seeds in cabbage salad provides good health benefits. These tiny seeds consumption prevent aging and promote good health.


The fiber content of black sesame seed treats constipation. The oil and fatty acid present in seeds help to lubricate the intestine and regulate bowel movements.

Blood Pressure

The magnesium content of sesame seeds helps to regulate blood pressure and limit hypertension. Eating black sesame seeds prevents Osteoporosis and risk of fracture as it contains plenty of zinc and calcium, which helps to strengthen the bone.


Cucumber is the best source of phytonutrients and flavonoids, triterpenes, and lignans. It provides anti-inflammation, antioxidants, and anti-cancer properties.

Vitamins & Minerals

Adding cucumber in cabbage salad makes perfect low carb recipe by providing low calories, sodium, carbohydrates, cholesterol, and fat. It provides 16 calories in one cup of cucumber with its skin. You will also get potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, vitamin A. As cucumber contains plenty of water, it also helps to keep you hydrated.

Reduce Inflammation

It also provides soothing and cooling effects to skin irritation and inflammation and promotes skin health.

The presence of various antioxidants, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, helps to prevent cancer-causing cell damage.

Promote Memory and Brain

Eating cucumber helps to promote memory and brain health. According to recent research, scientists discovered flavonoid fisetin, which helps to protect nerve cells and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s mentioned in the journal of 2013 – Antioxidants-&-Redox Signalling.


The low carb cabbage salad has radish. Radish is edible roots of vegetable that belongs to Brassicaceae. Radish consumption helps to cleanse the liver and stomach and completely detoxify it. Black radish is best useful for treating jaundice as it prevents excess bilirubin. It also purifies the blood and manages hypothyroidism from the sulfur present in radish.

Radish consumption helps to prevent the red blood cells damage and promote oxygen supply in the blood cells.

Radish contains sufficient fiber that fulfills daily intake and promotes digestion. It also helps to regulate bile production and protect the liver, gall bladder, and prevent water retention.


Adding radish in cabbage salad helps to protect heart health. It provides anthocyanins that promote heart functions and lower cardiovascular ailment risk. You will get folic acid, vitamin C, and flavonoids also from the radish.

Blood pressure

Radish benefit in managing blood pressure from its content of potassium. Potassium work to regulate blood pressure and control blood flow, especially in people with hypertension. According to ayurvedic experts, radish helps to provide a cooling effect in the blood.


You will also improve immunity by consuming radish. The presence of high vitamin C prevents cough and cold and boost the immune system. Make sure to consume it regularly. It also hinders the growth of harmful free radicals, early aging, and inflammation.


Adding radish in your diet boost collagen production by managing blood vessels by lowering the chances of atherosclerosis. Radish is metabolism friendly vegetable root. It helps to treat acidity, gastric problem, nausea, and boost digestive health.

Another benefit of radish is its high content of nutrition. Radish provides vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6. It also contains fiber, antioxidants, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese, iron, and calcium.

It is good to keep hydrations. Radish is the most suitable root vegetable for summertime due to its water content.

The vitamins and minerals present in the radish root help to benefits for promoting skin health. It prevents acne, dryness, rashes, and pimple. It also treats hair loss and prevents dandruff.


Chives are herbs that belong to the allium family. This herb family also includes scallions, garlic, leeks, and onions. Allium vegetable is popular from centuries for flavoring foods and medicinal purpose.

Chives are nutrient-dense food that is low in calories and contain a high number of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. One tablespoon of chives provide one calorie and one-gram protein, fat, and carbohydrate.


According to research, consuming allium vegetable prevent cancer such as colorectal and stomach cancer. It provides beneficial effects of organosulfur compounds.

Prostate cancer

According to National-Cancer-Institute research, chives benefits to prevent prostate cancer. The study discovered that men who consumed high allium vegetables had a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

It also prevents stomach and esophageal cancer by lowering tumor growth.

Sleep and mood

The presence of choline in the chives promote mood and sleep by relaxing muscle movement. It also manages the cellular membrane and assists in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Adding chives in low carb cabbage salad assist in fat absorption and lower chronic inflammation.

Bone health

Chives provide vitamin K, which helps to promote bone health. It controls the density and integrity of bone health. The presence of vitamin K strengthens the bone.

The content of folate in chives relieve depression and reduce homocysteine formation in the body. Having more homocysteine prevents nutrients and blood from reaching the brain.


Arugula is a less popular cruciferous vegetable, which provides various health benefits like other veggies such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and kale. Its leaves are bite-size and tender with tangy flavor. It provides 250 mg of nitrate per 100 grams.

Reduced dietary nitrate helps to reduce blood pressure and promote athletic performance.

Fight Cancer

Arugula belongs to a family of cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage. It provides high antioxidants, fiber, and glucosinolates, which prevent the growth of cancers such as prostate, lungs, pancreatic, and breast.

Rich in Chlorophyll

The presence of chlorophyll in arugula prevents the damage of DNA and liver from aflatoxins. Eating raw arugula is the best way to get the benefits.


Arugula contains 90% of water, which helps keep your body hydrated.

Promote bone health

Arugula increases calcium absorption and promotes teeth and bone health. Half cup of arugula provides 10.9 micrograms from vitamin K. Eating 3-cups of arugula every day provides 100% of vitamin K.

Reduce Inflammation

Adding arugula in your diet, prevent inflammation from the content of isothiocyanates, and indole-3carbinol. It suppresses the inflammation in your body.

Detox and Cleanse

The fiber content of Arugula helps to clean the colon and encourage a regular bowel movement. The presence of antioxidants, phytochemicals, and important minerals flush out the toxins from the body and cleanse the entire system.

Protects Cognitive Decline

Arugula contains a high amount of vitamin B and folate. These properties enhance brain function in adults and limit cognitive decline.

Weight Loss

Adding arugula in your cabbage diet makes it a perfect recipe for weight loss. Two cups of arugula provide 80 calories and make it a healthy choice for a slimming diet.


Arugula provides aphrodisiac, which blocks environmental contamination and enhances sexual health from its antioxidant and mineral content.

7.Chicken Breasts

If you are not vegetarian, then you can also include chicken breasts in the cabbage salad. Choose boneless and skinless chicken breast to cut perfectly. Chick quickly get dry and flavorless, so the trick with your recipe. Cook it properly with your liked ingredients. You can boil or bake the chicken, then shred it in small pieces and mix in low carb cabbage salad.

Chicken is a healthy choice for many diet programs, including weight loss and muscle building. It also promotes overall health.


Mayonnaise is a creamy and thick sauce prepared from lemon juice, egg yolks, and seasoning. It is different from salad dressing because it contains egg yolk. It is a combination of two liquids, such as water and oil. In mayonnaise, the emulgent is egg yolk, which comprises of lecithin, a fat emulsifier.

Mayonnaise provides vitamin E and K. It also contains minerals like selenium, sodium, and potassium. The presence of selenium reduces the aging process and hinders free radical damage. It helps to promote metabolism and heart health.

Dijon Mustard

Adding Dijon mustard in cabbage salad as a condiment makes your salad tasty. It is a flavoring ingredient prepared from pale yellow mustard in and creamy texture.

As mustard is gluten-free, people with an allergy should be careful while eating it.


Lemon juice provides plenty of vitamin C. It adds flavor to your salad and enhances the taste. It provides benefits like promote the immune system, cleansing the body. Everyday consumption of lemon promotes the overall health of your body.

Now you know the low carb cabbage salad is full of health benefits. It doesn’t have any side effects. You can enjoy varieties of cabbage salad with your favorite flavors and other veggies.

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