Author: Santanu Majumdar

Rugby Fitness Tips for Aspiring Professionals

Whether you’re a keen amateur or aspiring professional rugby union player, we have noticed on our rounds there is a dearth of fitness tips for individuals who are determined to take their game to the next level. It is one of those sports where a highly specialised fitness regime is […]

Testicular Cancer – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Like any other cancer, testicular cancer leads to abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells of one or both testicles which are the reproductive glands in males situated in the scrotum. It usually starts from the testicles and can spread over other organs of the body like abdomen lymph nodes, liver, […]

Weight loss surgery- An Overview

The bariatric surgery for weight loss is done on patients with a BMI index of greater than 40. They are also done in case of diabetic patients and patients with cardiovascular diseases with a BMI of 35 to 40. Weight loss surgery is carried out only in the extreme cases […]

Low Calorie Foods Can Help You Lose Weight

Every one today has become health conscious. Although mouth watering sight of burgers, pizzas, fried chicken chips and other processed foods have made it difficult to resist their temptation, high risks of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and overweight associated with them have encouraged people to switch to healthy eating habits which […]