Author: Gouher Munshi

Yoga Poses

Effective Yoga Poses That’ll Keep Your Bones Healthy

There are some yoga asanas that helps to strengthen bone health. Yoga is the best activity to prevent and heal certain ailments. It helps to promote physiological process stimulation. Yoga also keeps your mind calm. In 2015, The New York Times issued an article saying how bone health influences men […]

Benefits of Patchouli Oil

Amazing Uses, Benefits and Recipes of Patchouli Oil

Patchouli is a popular aromatic healing plant. Presently, it is in a tremendous demand for its essential oil. It is extensively used for fragrance, flavor, and health purposes. Presently, farmers have shown more interest in growing large scale of patchouli cultivation in tropical and sub-tropical places. Understanding plant’s chemistry and […]

Radish Juice Is Beneficial In Weight Loss

How Radish Juice Is Beneficial In Weight Loss

The radish is an edible root vegetable, which belongs to Brassicaceae. It is grown in Europe. Radishes are eaten raw in the form of vegetable salad. There is various size, color, flavor, and measure of time to get radish roots ripe. Radishes have a sharp flavor to different chemical synthesis […]

Vital Benefits of a Good Night Sleep

25 Vital Benefits of a Good Night Sleep

Sleep performs a vital role in your well-being and health during your lifetime. Having good quality sleep contribute necessary health benefits including mental strength and physical health and increase the quality of life. Important Features During sleep important mental and physical activity continue to happen. Regular quality sleep helps brains […]

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

During a joyful period of pregnancy, a woman undergoes several changes in the body due to growing baby inside the womb. Pregnancy stretch marks are light scars which occur mainly on the abdomen, back, hips, belly, chest, and waist. Stretch marks occur due to speed hormonal changes and weight gain. […]

D-Ribose Gives You 24 Hours Working Capacity

D-Ribose Gives You 24 Hours Working Capacity

D-ribose is a sugar particle which is essential for your body to produce adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is a basic kind of energy and a type of fuel consumed by the cellular mitochondria. Naturally, the body cells generate D-ribose, but every organ produces a different amount of D-ribose which […]