Tips To Grow Your Hair Back With The Right Diet

Long and attractive hair is a dream of everyone. All have questions like how to grow hair, how to stop hair fall, and how to maintain, etc. Different products may provide the best results, but the results are not permanent and may affect your finances. There are different ways to grow hair naturally, but you need to follow the process patiently.

Before you do anything, try understanding the basic physiological facts about hair. Every hair has hair root and shaft. The shaft sticks out of the skin while the root remains in the deepest skin layer. Everyone is born with many hair follicles that continually grow in whole lives. The hair follicles on the head number around 100,000 depending on American-Academy-of-Dermatology. The hair root receives nutrition from the blood that flows inside the scalp, helping hair grow. To reduce around 50-100 hair every day is a normal body process. The oil glands that cover hair roots coat the hair follicle with oil, keeping it glossy.

No matter how many hair shampoos, hair products, conditioners you use, the hair keeps falling off. Sometimes you fear that you will lose all your hair. It happens because of the damaging lifestyle of the present world. Other factors like smoking, drinking also damage hair. Even heat exposure different chemicals present in hair care products damage the hair.

Only what you apply to hair is not important but also what you eat is necessary. Therefore, eating the right food is key to get your hair back. The hair is formed of keratine, which is a type of protein. Therefore, adding more protein and nutrition helps to grow hair.


Best Diet for Hair Growth


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Fish is a healthy food source of protein. Apart from cold-water fish, you can eat mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna provide rich omega-3fatty acids that provide a natural source of oil for the scalp and body.



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It provides rich protein and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can also help to keep your hair strong. But salmon has different health benefits beyond helping hair, including lowering inflammation and promoting the central nervous system.


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It also has vitamin D and Omega-3. This fish can be easily found in canned form. Try including sardines in salads and spreads as less mercury alternative to different fatty fish.


Nuts and seeds

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Nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashew nuts, and hazelnut, and seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds provide rich protein helpful for hair.

Walnuts are the best source of vitamin E and biotin that work as natural sun protectors for hair. Direct sunlight may damage the hair and cause them to fall. The biotin present in walnuts helps to prevent hair loss. It also provides biotin and vitamin E that acts as natural sun protection for hair.


Chia Seeds

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Chia seeds are the best alternative for omega-3s. It provides antioxidants and fiber. This nutritional powerhouse is best for protein, and boosting luscious hair. These tiny seeds can be eaten with smoothies, puddings, and any baked goods.



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Pumpkin seeds provide 83 calories and less than one gram of fat. Additionally, it is loaded with beta carotene and iron, the rich source of vitamin A, which is important for hair growth.

Pumpkins also provide vitamin C and E that help to repair the damaged cells in the body.


Green leafy Vegetables

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You get more options in vegetables that help to manage beautiful hair. All leafy greens provide iron that prevents hair breakage and brittleness. Add this food to your hair growth diet.



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Carrot is beneficial for hair also. Its rich content of beta carotene converts into vitamins after eating. It is essential to note that none of the cells in the body can function without vitamin A. It’s recommended to add more vitamin A to prevent itching, dryness, and dandruff. Other options include vegetables and fruits like yam, sweet potatoes mango, and apricot.



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Eggs are essential food for hair health. It provides zinc, sulfur, selenium, and iron. The deficiency of these elements causes hair loss and dry flaky. Other sources of these rich elements are oysters, lean meat, and poultry.


Peanut Butter and Peanuts

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Peanuts are a good source of biotin. It is known to stimulate hair growth and stop hair loss. A ¼ cup serving provides 9gm of protein, 4-gm of fiber, and unique antioxidants. Peanuts are also good filling, which is an ideal alternative to meat if you are vegan or vegetarian.



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Yogurt is a natural treatment for hair problems. Its rich content of calcium and vitamin B5 helps to care for hair. Other dairy products like cottage cheese, low skimmed and low-fat cheese along with yogurt helps to increase hair follicles’ health. Yogurt, whether consumed or applied externally, provides benefits to hair.



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Spinach is loaded with magnesium, iron, and folate, one of those exceedingly significant B nutrients. Other greens like kale likewise offer supplement advantages for skin and hair. Besides, the vitamin C in these green veggies helps hair follicles.



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It provides rich vitamin C; nothing can beat its exotic nutritional benefits. Any berry you like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries, circulate blood in hair follicles and scalp and boost hair growth. Tomatoes also function similarly. Therefore, add these all to your daily diet.


Beans and pulses

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The pulses and beans you eat every day work as magic to hair health. Its rich content of protein and biotin provides benefits to prevent hair breakage. This protein diet for hair growth is also important.



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Prunes are known to provide rich iron that helps to prevent dry hair, discoloration, and hair thinning. It also improves your hair quality. It also provides vitamin C, B, which are best to regrow hair.



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Shrimps are the best option to add to the diet plan for hair growth if you are skipping red meat because of high calories. It also provides a good number of proteins. Its zinc, vitamin B12, and iron also stop hair breakage.



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Avocado toast is also beneficial for hair health. It consists of healthy fats, vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant to boost hair growth. It also provides biotin that is good for hair.

Avocado oil is generally utilized as a carrier oil with essential oils. Combine one ounce of avocado oil with 3-6 drops of lavender or peppermint essential oil for hair treatment.

You can also massage with a nickel size of avocado oil into the scalp. Avocado oil will benefit to stimulate blood flow and unclog the blocked follicles. These effects may prevent hair loss. This oil is absorbed easily by the skin and won’t have a greasy feeling on the scalp.


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Similar to different plant-based foods, grapes consist of polyphenolic synthesis with antioxidant properties, which may help lower cellular damage. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins present in grapes help to stop dihydrotestosterone production, which is a primary factor for hair loss. Eating one cup of grapes every day can help to save the tissues from inflammation.


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Changing with white refined carbohydrates for 100% whole grains can help to provide zinc, fiber, vitamin B, and iron to boost healthy hair growth. Buckwheat, considered a complete grain, is a nutritious and gluten-free seed and it provides more benefits. It also provides fiber and antioxidants to fill up faster. You alternate it with oatmeal for breakfast or rice in stir fries.

Flax Seeds

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Flax seeds consist of polyunsaturated fatty acids that boost the scalp and stop dryness. Sprinkle some ground flax seeds over yogurt and include some smoothies or create flax egg to change the real egg in baked goods recipes. Include 1-tablespoon ground flax seeds to 3-tablespoons water and keep it for 5 minutes to thicken, it is a vegan 1-to-1 change for a normal egg.


Sweet Potato

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It consists of plenty of beta-carotene, which makes sweet potatoes their orange color, this antioxidant turns into vitamin A which can change into vitamin A and prevent dull hair and dry hair.

It has high vitamin A and high fiber than white potatoes. Sweet potatoes are also essential for promoting immunity and vision.

Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans, and Peas

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These all pulses are edible seeds of vegetables. They consist of plant-based fiber and protein, which make them super healthy and cost-effective than meat. These pulses also have folic acid, which is one of the B complex and vitamins that boost hair healthy and restore cells important for hair growth.



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Vitamin B and folate are present in plentiful in asparagus, also avocado, broccoli, and oranges. This nutrient is also responsible for red blood cell and gene synthesis formation. It also helps to break down the protein, therefore adding the hair follicles’ building blocks.

Plain Greek Yogurt

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Plain and unsweetened Greek yogurt consists of high protein, which helps to develop blocks and those good looks. Additionally, plain greek yogurt is very different and can be added into a filling breakfast or savory fares like condiments and dips. The best benefit of yogurt is its probiotics, which are good bacteria that boost nutrient absorption.


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Drink sufficient water to keep your skin and scalp hydrated and provide natural moisture to the hair.


What Not To Do

When you having hair fall, avoid sprays, gels, and mousse to set the style. Because it damages your hair more.

Avoid heat treatments to avoid hair damage from artificial heat exposures. The heat prevents the hair moisture and makes it dry.

Oil your hair using a natural oil such as olive, coconut, castor oil, and almond.

You can use mild herbal shampoos for hair in place of harsh chemical-filled shampoos. It is even more effective if you can wash hair with amla and reetha.


In How Much Time Does Your Hair Get Back After A Bad Haircut?

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The hair over your head grows about a half-inch every month, or 6-inches every year. Commonly, male hair grows faster than female hair. After a wrong haircut, you can assume to grow hair back at this rate.

If your hair was more than your shoulder length and short bob, it may take many years to grow the hair back to where it was previously.


How long does a person take time to regrow hair back after having hair loss?

Hair growth depends on different causes of hair loss.

Pattern Hair Loss

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As age increase, some follicle stops creating hair. It is referred to as hereditary hair loss, androgenetic, and pattern hair loss. This sort of hair loss is continual, which means that the hair will not have regrowth. The follicle itself dries up and is unable to regrow hair. You cannot prevent this condition but can slow down the hair loss process with an oral treatment called finasteride or topical medicine minoxidil.

Many male pattern hair losses lead to baldness. Female pattern hair loss can lead to hair thinning, but it is rare.



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It is an autoimmune problem in which the immune system attack on self-hair follicles. Hair generally falls out in small patches from the scalp, but hair loss can occur on other parts of the body also, like eyelashes, arms, eyebrows, and legs. This condition is unpredictable. Hair may begin growing back anytime, may fall again. Therefore, if you experiencing this condition follow a healthy diet and take your hair specialist’s advice.


Scalp Psoriasis

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It is also an autoimmune health problem leading to scaly red patches in scalp skin. It also causes hair loss problems and takes time to regrow the hair. This condition will have itching symptoms. Getting an effective treatment will help this problem.


Hormonal Changes

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Females may have hair loss after childbirth and menopause. Men may lose hair because of hormonal changes with aging. Hair loss because of hormonal imbalances is temporary, though it is hard to know when the hair will begin to grow back.


Thyroid Problems

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Conditions that lead to more thyroid hormone are called hyperthyroidism or less thyroid hormone that is hypothyroidism can cause hair loss. Hair will commonly grow back once the thyroid imbalance can be treated.

Nutritional Deficiencies

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Not having sufficient zinc and iron from the diet can also cause hair loss. The correct intake of this mineral helps in hair growth. Still, it can take many months for the hair to have regrowth.


Additional Hair Care Tips

Shampoo Correctly

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Dirt build-up and sunlight can affect hair follicles. Therefore, it is essential to wash your hair with lukewarm water. However, be careful as excessive rinsing could be detrimental to hair growth. Wet hair roots may become weak because of frequent shampoo, which can affect pH level and natural oil formation in the scalp. Also, do not wash your hair with extremely hot water.

Also, use organic and sulphate-free shampoo for regular use.


Oil Your Tresses Regularly

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Oiling hair is a better option to keep hair moisturized naturally. Castor oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil help to increase hair strength from roots to tips and lower the occurrence of split ends. Budget your hair care products, commonly get antibacterial and antifungal properties in them. It helps to get the scalp moisture and stop microbial activities that cause dandruff. The presence of minerals helps to boost hair growth.


Apply Amla and Neem Mask

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It is the best ayurvedic remedy for hair regrowth. Amla and neem are two easily found A-grade ingredients for growing hair. You can make paste and apply in hair. These herbs hold the properties that can provide healthy locks, shiny and voluminous hair. The antibacterial properties of neem help to boost healthy growth.


Use Aloe Vera Gel

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Using aloe vera gel is like giving spa treatment to your hair. It is the finest cleansing agent, moisturizer, strengthening agent, and repair hair follicles. Gently massaging the scalp with aloe vera gel can cool down your mind and scalp. It also provides vitamin A, B, B12, folic acid, and C, all contributing to cell growth and cell regeneration. Its collagen content work as a proactive layer against the scorching sun for hair.


Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner

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Coffee also promotes hair growth. It helps to detoxify your scalp and boost blood circulation from its phytosterols content. It is the caffeine that benefits in making hair shiny and smooth. You can even utilize it as a hairspray. Coffee also prevents premature grey hair and balding in both women and men.


Use an Egg Mask

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Egg yolk also benefits the regrowth of hair. It provides sodium, iron, and lectin to grow hair. They help nourish and moisturize hair while stopping the damage. Egg yolks also restore dull and brittle hair by normalizing oily scalps. 

Massage Your Scalp

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Regular scalp massage help to relax your hair follicle. It also strengthens and improves blood circulation from roots. Scalp massages are also good for dealing with stress, one of the leading contributing factors for hair loss.

Try massaging your scalp twice a week, before sleeping. It also improves healthy sleep and boosts hair growth.

Regular Trimming

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Human hair goes through 3-stages. The first stage is antigen: when it is active and cells in the hair roots divide rapidly.

The second stage is catagen: when hair growth stops and the outer root cover shrinks and attaches with hair root. Split ends, hair breakage, and hair thinning. Trimming your hair help to prevent the third stage, thus helping hair to get the desired result. Mark your calendars for the periodic haircut sessions. Trim half of 1-inch to promote hair growth.


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