Home Remedies for Foot Pain

Foot pain is a pretty simple problem. However, the difficulty with foot pain is that there are many diverse inherent causes, making it even challenging for healthcare professionals to discover the root of your discomfort.  It can be difficult to address for the person to describe the pain and how it feels such as aching, throbbing, stabbing, tender. However, explaining all the symptoms of your foot pain can help proper diagnosis.

Out feet are shock absorbers, and it cushions up by million pounds of pressure while performing the strenuous workout of one hour. It is also responsible for supporting human body weight for 1.5 times while running and walking activities. It is not difficult to find why feet are paining when you are extremely susceptible to injury.

Sometimes you wake up with feeling extreme pain in your feet and wonder what happen with me? Why suddenly feet are hurting in the morning? You are not the one who suffers from any damage to the foot.

Foot pain is a prevalent reason to make people visit their orthopedic or podiatrist physician. Nearly 33 joints, 26 bones, five ligaments, and other tiny nerve structures may get an injury and cause foot pain. These feet structure may get overstressed or injured, and pain may result in limited mobility.

Foot pain facts

  • The foot is a complicated anatomical structure which can be induced by disease of inside body or your foot itself.
  • The foot curves are the basic structures which control the number of ground forces transferred into your body.
  • When your foot pain interferes in your daily activities, you should get medical advice.
  • The foot comprises of joints, bone, ligaments, nerves, skin, blood vessels and soft tissue structures. Any of these ailments can cause foot pain.
  • The treatment of foot pain completely depends on the cause of pain. It may involve strengthening, medication, physical therapy, stretching, immobilization, and surgery.

Effective home remedies for foot pain

Pick a foot bath: Epsom salt

Epsom salt is a synthesis of magnesium sulfate similar to sodium tablet salt. Epsom salt is popular from hundreds of years as a pain reliever and medicinal agent. These days it’s most often included to hot baths and foot soaking water to lower the foot stress.

The content of magnesium in Epsom salt helps to assimilate by your skin. It recovers magnesium levels in your body. Epsom salt can decrease pain and swelling accompanies with inflammation. It can also give benefit to disinfect the wounds. It can be beneficial for foot health.

Researcher claim that combining some salt in the warm water assists to heal and improve foot health. Additionally, it inhibits the infection of gout, and prevent odor.

  • A warm foot bath can be a good choice to relieve foot pain. Add some Epsom salts in tub or bucket and keep your feet in that warm water for 20 minutes. It will relieve pain as well as swelling.
  • Using Epsom salt can help to treat the infections and wounds. While it may not cure the problem but Epsom salt pulls out the infection make the skin soft which promote medication effects.
  • Another benefit of Epsom salt, it helps to exfoliate the round skin and heal the cracked feet. Along with soaking feet, you can also do the Epsom salt massage on your skin to boost blood circulation.
  • Epsom salt helps to eliminate the toxins from foot parts as well as a body that can be a cause of body pain, inflammation, and irritation.
  • It is also helpful to relive the splinter problem in your foot. The mineral synthesis present in Epsom salt helps to lower the inflammation and any other fungal infection.

Stretch your foot

Do stretching workout which helps to treat sore feet. Try to target any one area of your foot such as heel, toes which focus on engaging different stretches and relieve whole foot. This workout helps to limit cramping and boost elasticity.

Do this toe exercise ten times: Bend your toes, point them, and roll them for a few seconds.

Warm up your feet by sitting down and extending your legs.

Turn your toes around.

Keep your toes near your body and away from it. Roll your ankles in a range in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.

Proceed to stretch your feet by moving your weight from your feet to your toes by taking turns by lifting the front and back of your feet over the ground in standing position.

Ice Therapy

Ice therapy is a medically tested technique and home remedy for lowering inflammation and foot pain.  This therapy is more useful for athletes with injuries but it also useful for people such as marathon runners who put average pressure on the tissues and muscles in the feet. However, most people apply cold pack therapy with ice or snow, and you can also apply cold water.

You can relieve foot pain by applying ice therapy. You can use an ice pack by keeping a towel. The ice will help to decrease the inflammation in the feet that can cause you increased pain. You can do ice therapy for at least 10 minutes but many times in a day.

Performing more stressful activity may cause you serious injury, and your feet will become swollen and sore. Applying an ice pack helps to reduce the swelling and boost muscles health and prevent injury.

According to MayoClinic.com ice pack is an excellent way to manage a foot injury that causes mild to medium swelling. To cure that swelling you can apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes per day three times. You can apply ice in a releasable bag, frozen vegetables or fruits or a cold pack stuffed with a refrigerant gel. Whatever method you use to make sure to wrap the cold pack or bag with a towel or thin cloth layer or a paper towel which helps to provide comfort and prevent frostbite. Try to avoid applying the ice pack for more than 20 minutes. Multiple short treatments are more helpful than keeping a long time.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper also called capsaicin, and it helps to improve blood flow in the foot and entire body.  It provides impressive nutrients and various health benefits. It is popular for medicinal uses for warming the feet. As you age, your ability to keep feet warmer get reduced or totally decline the blood circulation.

The consumption of cayenne pepper helps to relieve the muscles stress.

You will need to soak your foot in cayenne pepper and warm water for 10 to 15 minutes.

Cayenne Powder

You can also sprinkle cayenne pepper powder on your feet and wear socks which helps to keep feet relaxed and warm. It is the quickest way to use cayenne pepper powder directly on your painful fee. Additionally, use the cayenne powder in your socks for keeping it warm.

You can manage the amount of cayenne powder by spreading it on your feet or combine it with some corn-starch. Mix half teaspoon of cayenne pepper with 1/4 cup of corn-starch/foot powder. Mix both the powder well and sprinkle one teaspoon on each foot in the socks.

Gently roll the socks round to spread powder evenly. Alternatively, you can also shake the powder fairly onto your feet from a shaker jar or sifter. Using powder instantly to your feet will improve your feet warm and dry. Use this method on a wet, cold day or if you’re working outside on a snowy day.

Cayenne pepper salve

It is another home remedy for foot pain. To make own cayenne pepper salve, take a small heatproof jar, crockpot, eight ounces of the mason jar. These tools will be useful for infusing the oil and melting the beeswax.


  • Cayenne powder – 2 tablespoons
  • Olive oil – 1/2 cup
  • Beeswax – 1/2 ounces

How to make the salve?

  • Place 1-2 inches of warm water in the base of your crockpot, then place it on medium.
  • Set the beeswax into a little heatproof jar, then add the olive oil inside the Mason jar.
  • Combine the cayenne powder to the oil and mix it well.
  • Put the jar with oil and pepper in the crockpot.
  • Set the lid on loose to keep compression out of the jar.
  • Close the crockpot, then let it heat mildly for four hours.
  • You can also cook it on low flame overnight.
  • Take off the jar lid and place the pot with the beeswax in the crockpot. Let the jar warm till the wax get melts.
  • Remove the jars from the crockpot, dry off the surface of the jars, then pour the oil by strainer or cheesecloth.
  • It is an optional step but if you like to remove pepper from its mixture.
  • Keep stirring the wax gently till the oil and wax are totally mixed.
  • Now store the Cayenne pepper salve in the little jar till it gets cool.
  • Store Cayenne salve in the dark and cool place.

How to use it?

  • Wash your hands completely after using with hot peppers.
  • Make sure there is not a minuscule speck left in the finger which can cause a burning sensation. In that situation, if you mistakenly touch your eyes than it causes burning and irritation.
  • Using cayenne pepper may get a stain on your socks so use old socks that don’t matter getting stains.
  • Avoid using cayenne pepper salve on the skin cuts or wounds.
  • Make sure to try some test application before using it to prevent side effects.

Foot Massage

Foot massage is a useful technique to relieve foot pain. Dr. Christopher Chiodo of Harvard-University, mentioned in his book “Foot Care Basics,” covers foot massage as one of his suggested ways to alleviate foot pain, adding that you can massage with hands or even mechanical device. However, you can massage your foot without any help. It helps to provide maximum relaxation from foot pain.

When your feet get hurt from standing all day or a long hike on a hard surface, it will give fatigue to your muscles due to overusing. Foot massage helps to provide increased blood circulation to get the nutrient-rich blood the foot nerves and enhance the lymph fluid movement which eliminates the irritating cellular waste toxins. Doing massage helps to relax the tense muscles that may be closed to protect weak areas.

You can do the long and short surface strokes with deep pressure strokes which effectively relieve the problem areas.

Ancient Foot Massage Styles

As information update worldwide, ancient massage styles are now growing more familiar to a wider people. Khun Margaret (editor) from Welcome-to-Chiangmai-Chiangrai, says Thai foot massage merges components of physical massage with reflexology-style and energy work points to ease the foot pain.

The Kansa Vakti foot massage style introduced in India and uses purified ghee or butter, to give a massage of Ayurvedic tradition. This massage style includes both the lower leg and foot, teach that pain in the foot linked with leg muscles.

Reflex Zone Massage

Reflexology is a kind of foot massage that is declared on the concept that the several nerve endings in the parts of the sole of your feet are also connected with different organ systems and rest area of the entire body. Therefore, it is considered that nerve endings stimulation of in the feet will have an influence on the similar tissues. This massage style normally includes static pressure on particular points on the foot rather than rubbing or stroking as with different styles.

Barbara Kunz and Kevin, practitioners of reflexology and books author, tells that reflexology helps to reduce the dysfunction and pain in the body.

Foot massaging can also helpful for a sudden foot injury. Consult your doctor to repair a broken bone or other severe damage after getting an injury in the foot. Consider foot massage to reduce the swelling and pain.

You can start massaging near the outside edges of injury areas, avoid directly massaging on it. As the sensitivity reduce, you will be able to use the pressure near your injury. Try to use gentle circular friction strokes which helps to keep the circulation moving and prevent scar tissues accumulations.

Peppermint Tea

You can have peppermint or chamomile tea every day to reduce the muscle tightness and ease the pain. It will help to reduce foot pain as well as other body parts pain.

Feet Workout

Doing fee exercise can help to reduce foot pain. You can try with wrapping a thick rubber band on one foot and all toes and spread your toes than hold the stretch for five seconds. Repeat this exercise ten times to lower the cramp and shoe bound.

You can also spread some pencils on the ground and pick a pencil one by one from your toes. This small activity relieves foot pain.

The feet muscle groups make up about 25% muscles of the body. Do not ignore the active functions and strength such as essential muscle groups. Doing foot exercise can help to balance the body and restore the lower leg muscles length.

You need to perform simple foot workout in the morning by placing a towel on the floor and use your toes to take up the towel. Do this exercise slowly to create the motions in the foot.


Vinegar is another best home remedy for foot pain because it helps to decrease the inflammation. Soak your foot in hot water-tub and add 2-tablespoon of vinegar. Soak your affected foot for 20 minutes.

Additionally, you can also use hot and cold-water containers with an equal amount of vinegar and water. Soak a clean towel in vinegar mix and squeeze the liquid and wrap the wet cloth on your feet for five minutes. Do this for cold mixture and repeat 3-4 times every day.

Lift your feet up

Sometimes your foot needs relaxation. Take some free time and elevate your feet up. It will decrease the pressure in your legs. In some cases, lifting your legs feels good quickly. The moment you elevate your legs, blood circulation gets enhanced within the vein in your legs. Managing your feet in a lifted position helps to rest for a few hours and allows blood to move fast in the rest of the body.

Fish oil

You can use omega-3 for relieving foot pain. Add fish oil supplement to your daily diet or start eating seafood to improve your foot pain healing process to reduce inflammation.

According to the study of JM Kremmer discovered that patients who have regular fish oil reduce the frequency and intensity of pain. These patients also felt reduced joint stiffness and swelling accompanied by joints. The fish oil helps to lower the occurrences of foot pain and keep the foot muscles flexible.

Clove Oil

You can also use clove oil for treating foot pain. Doing massage with clove oil helps to stimulate the blood flow and provide a relaxing feeling in the fee muscles. For sensitive skin, clove oil can be mixed with coconut oil or virgin olive oil.

Sage Leaves

Sage has been valued for ages for its healing and cooking uses. The botanical name introduces from the Latin term severe which mean to be saved.

It belongs to the mint family and closely has a link with rosemary. It has a musky and warm fragrance which is important for dressing.

Sage available in different forms: Russian sage comes in the ornamental application and lavender purple flower. Whereas, common sage available in the pungent aroma which often used in cooking.

Use sage leaves for decreasing pain happens by a wound in the foot, injury or any strain. Sage is a powerful home remedy for lessening foot odor. You can rub the sage leaves lightly with your hand and put in a half cup of apple cider vinegar and keep for boiling it.  Strain the mix after five minutes and let it decrease the heat. Soak a neat cloth in the mix and cover it around your foot. You can apply this remedy multiple times in a day.

Other foot pain reliever

Save Your Soles

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Change your shoes whenever possible because overused shoes can also hurt your foot and cause pain. Wear shoes such as shock absorbing shield soled, thick and soft soles to protect the thin part of your foot. Avoid using shoes when your shoe’s sole become thin.

Change Heel Heights


Wearing high heels squeezes the muscles of the calf which can cause foot fatigue. Try to change your heel heights from high to low throughout the day is a great idea.

Wear Insoles

Looking fashionable and having stylish lifestyle is preferred by many women but high heels may be disadvantageous. Many women experience foot pain because of wearing high heels because they put more pressure on the feet balls. Try to wear half-insole shoes to prevent discomfort. Spend some money on good quality footwear and shoes.

Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds can be helpful for reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling by boosting your blood circulation.

Make mustard seeds paste and put it in warm water. Soak your feet in mustard water for 15 to 20 minutes every day to get best results and treating your foot pain.

Tennis ball massage

Massage with a tennis ball can help to reduce foot pain. Place your heel on the floor and keep a tennis ball under your foot.

  • Slowly Bring Your weight forward onto the tennis ball.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Hold the grip on your ball with your toes.
  • Move the tennis ball to your heel and keep the ball of your foot on the floor.
  • Slowly bring your weight into the ball of your foot and hold it for 30 seconds.


Consume cinnamon to reduce foot pain. You can drink cinnamon by adding the cinnamon powder with one glass of water. It is suggested to consume cinnamon tea for three times in a day for effective results.

You can also take a foot bath by adding some cinnamon powder and capsaicin in the water to relieve the foot pain.

Another way, soak your foot in warm water containing cinnamon powder.

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