Exercises to Tone Your Thighs

Having tones thigh muscles with balanced muscles and fat make your appearance attractive in any of your outfit. You will feel confident to wear boyfriend jeans or A-line skirt. Doing the right exercise makes your thighs look skinny and sexy.

Performing regular exercise helps to tone your thigh muscles, which target quads, calves, glutes, hamstrings, adductors, tensors, and other muscles. It also burns more calories, improves your posture, builds lower body strength, and increases lean muscles. You don’t need to train your thighs to get in shape, do these exercises for 20-30 minutes every day and tone your thighs in two weeks.



Before you start toning workout, make sure to perform warm-up. It is important to do the warm-up workout before doing any exercise. It will prepare your mind and body for doing further exercise.

Performing warm-up will boost blood flow to your muscles and increase your elasticity of bones and muscles. It also excites your central nervous system and lessens the chance of muscles injury and soreness.

2.Squat for The Thighs and Hips

Performing squat for thighs helps to target muscles of glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back, and calves.

How to do?

  • Stand straight by keeping your feet slightly apart to your shoulder width.
  • Let your shoulders relax by keeping your core muscles engaged.
  • Stretch your arms in front side and bend them to bring close to your chest as you perform squats. It is your starting position to start the exercise.
  • This workout takes 2-minutes.
  • Now twist your knees gently as go down like you are sitting on a chair. Make sure to put your knees behind your toes.
  • Stay in this position for one second and come up.


Begin with 10-reps. You can perform 2-sets of 10-reps, 3-sets of 10-reps, or 1-set of 20-reps.


  • Put your knees to shoulder-width distant and squat.


  • If you feel pain in knees, then you are not doing it correctly. Do it properly to prevent injury.

3.Jumping Squat

Jumping squat is another workout for toning your thighs. It targets your muscles of hamstrings, quads, calves, glutes, and adductors.

How to do?

  • Put your feet shoulder-width separated.
  • Hold your knees straight and marginally flexed forward, let your engaged and shoulders loose.
  • Hold your hands to your side with the goal that you can go through them to drive yourself when you hop.
  • Bend your knees and squat down. Make a point to keep your thighs parallel to the ground and don’t exceed your knees behind your feet.
  • Now, move your arms to push your body upward, and hop and land. When you land, ensure that you assimilate the stun through your muscles with the goal that you don’t harm your knees or feet.
  • Once more, go down and squat.
  • This workout takes 30-seconds of time.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps


Take your legs together as you begin to jump or keep your hands back of your head while jumping to make your workout more challenging.


  • Slowly come down while doing this workout.

4.Thigh Kick (Outer And Inner)

The thigh kick exercise is for the thigh and hips. It targets the muscles of adductors, quads, and glutes.

How to do?

  • Take a chair and stand back on it. Relax your shoulders by keeping your abs engaged. It is your starting position.
  • Raise your body over your toes. Turn your right leg in the front direction.
  • Gently rotate your right leg to your left side and then move right.
  • Make sure to elevate your leg over the right side.
  • Perform this exercise 10-times and take down your body.
  • Do the same for your left leg.
  • This workout takes 15 seconds for each leg.


  • 2-sets of 10-reps




  • Make sure to have your knees straight.

5.Single-Leg Circles

Single leg circles exercise target adductors and quads and help to tone your thigh.

How to do?

  • Keep your right foot in front direction over your toes.
  • Raise your right foot to your knee height. Put your arms over your waist and keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Push your right leg outside and create a circle.
  • Perform this work out 10-times and repeat the same for your left leg.
  • This workout takes 15 seconds for each leg.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps.


  • You can hold a chair or wall while doing this workout.


  • Avoid bending your knees, or you can bend to your sides while doing this workout.

6.Scissor Kicks

This exercise engages your lower abs and thigh muscles. It targets quads, lower abs, hamstring, and abductors.

How to do?

  • Lie on your back flat on the mat. Place your hands straight, let your palms under your hips and keep your toes pointed out.
  • Raise your legs at 45-degree angle with the floor.
  • Now, turn your right leg upward and left leg downward.
  • Take your legs back upward and turn your left leg upward and keep your right leg down.
  • When you perform this exercise at a faster pace, it will look similar to a scissor.
  • Perform this exercise 15 times.


  • Perform 2-sets of 15-reps




  • Avoid bending your knees.


The plie exercise works on calves and thighs. It targets adductors, quads, glutes, and calves.

How to do?

  • Put your legs an in a wider distance to hip-width apart.
  • Put your toes facing out to 45 degrees, let your core engaged and keep your shoulders relaxed. It is your beginning point.
  • Take the above position to bend your knees without bending front or back and take down your body.
  • While doing this, keep your palms to move your knees back so that you can have thigh rotation.
  • Turn your both hand to your sides like a ballerina, and gently stand up with your heels level on the ground.
  • Do this exercise 10-times. This workout takes 1-minute.


  • Perform 1-set of 10-reps


  • Raise your ankles and maintain your toes. Stay in this position and beat by going upward and downward.


  • Do not bend forward as you would in a normal squat.

8.Inner Thigh Circles

This exercise is for the hips and thighs. It targets your muscles of glutes and adductors.

How to do?

  • Consider a cat position. Keep your palm level to the ground, and your toes should point outward.
  • Raise your right leg outward to the side.
  • Gently bend your knees and balance your body over your left knee and both hands.
  • Turn your right leg in little circles, do this clockwise and then do anticlockwise.
  • Now, turn your right leg in a large circle again clockwise and anticlockwise.
  • Perform this exercise 5-times. Do this for the left leg.
  • This workout takes one-minute time.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps


  • If you are not comfortable putting your legs straight then, you can bend your knees and place your toes pointed behind.


  • Place your knees comfortable and gentle.

9.Side Kick

The sidekick exercise engages hips and thigh muscles. This exercise target muscles of hamstrings, quads, glutes, and adductors.

How to do?

  • Lie on the mat with your right side.
  • Let your core engaged, put your head resting over your right hand. Keep your left hand forward and left palm should rest level to the ground to support your body. Keep your body straightened from the head to your tailbone.
  • Turn your both legs outward and take down the body at 45 degrees with your upper body. It is your starting position.
  • Now elevate your left leg to your hips.
  • Without turning your upper body and right leg, kick your left side leg front and inhale.
  • Propel your left leg backward and breath out. Which doing a kickback, elevate your upper body. Use your right elbow to support your body.
  • Perform this workout 10-times and for both thighs.
  • This workout takes one minute.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps.


  • You can beat as you kick forward your leg to engage your glutes and inner thigh muscles.


  • Raise your legs to your hips only if you feel comfortable.


The lunges exercise engages your thigh and hips. It will target glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

How to do?

  • Keep your right leg front, and let your shoulder relax. Engage your core muscles by keeping chest upward and keep your hands on your side.
  • Ensure your legs are not in the same line as it can be challenging to perform.
  • Put your body weight on the front part of your heel and take down your body and left knee to the floor level.
  • Now, stand right side behind up.
  • Perform this exercise for 10-times.
  • Later, keep your left leg forward and do this again.
  • This workout takes 15 seconds off for each leg.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps


  • You can perform this workout for front or back lunges by keeping your leg front or back.


  • Do not extend your leg behind it should be vertical to the floor.

11.Lateral Lunge – Side Kick

Sidekick of lateral lounges target muscles of glutes, quads, hamstrings, and adductors and strengthen thigh muscles.

How to do this workout?

  • Stand upright putting your feet together, and let your shoulder bend, and engage your core. Set your hands near to your chest, alike to you are boxing. It is your opening point.
  • Now move right leg outward to the side and perform a lunge by taking down your body.
  • Keep your left leg completely stretched and the entire weight of your body should be placed on right heel.
  • Elevate your body behind upward and kick right leg outward.
  • Do the same steps for your left leg.
  • This workout takes 30 seconds.


  • Perform 1-set of 10-reps.


  • You can use 2-pound of weights while doing this exercise.


  • Keep a rhythm of kicking and lunging to prevent injury and falling.

12.Standing Forward Bend

Perform standing forward bend for toning your thighs. It targets your hips, thighs, and calves’ muscles of hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

How to do?

  • Remain with your feet together, keep your core engaged, shoulders lose, chest out, and keep your hands-on waist.
  • Press shoulder blades collectively and inhale. Flex your upper body front and gently go down.
  • Place your palms over your shins or mat.
  • Hold your head toward knees and stay in this position for two seconds.
  • Now, gently come back upward to the beginning point.
  • This workout takes two minutes.
  • Perform this 10-times.


  • Perform 1-set of 5-reps.




  • Balance your weight on your heels. If you feel problem for balancing than keep your feet to shoulder width.

13.Downward Dog Split

The downward dog split workout helps hips and thighs muscles such as glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Tone your thighs with following steps.

How to do?

  • Assume a cat pose and put your palms level on the floor and place hands to your shoulder width distant.
  • Slowly raise your hips and extend your arms and both legs. Rotate your shoulders downward and forward to make enough space for neck movements.
  • Breath in and stretch your left leg upward to align your upper body and leg. Keep your toes are pointed outward.
  • Breath out and gently returns to the beginning point.
  • Perform these steps to other sides.
  • This workout takes a one-minute duration.


  • Perform 1-set of 10-reps.


  • During the second step, bend your knees and stay in this pose for one second.


  • Let your heels touching to the floor.

14.Flamingo Balance

The flamingo balance workout engages thigh muscles and tone it. It targets quads, hamstrings, lower back, glutes, and abs.

How to do?

  • Stand straight with legs shoulder-width separated.
  • Hold a pair of the dumbbell of 2-pound in your right hand and keep your left hand on your midsection.
  • Bring your left foot back of you and place it over toes.
  • Raise your left leg high to your hips. Place your left leg upright and gently bent to your right knees.
  • Together, take your right arm front, with the palm facing the roof.
  • Be in this pose for one second and then bend your right hand to perform a bicep curl.
  • Now, take down your left leg for one second and then repeat.
  • Perform this exercise for your right leg also. It takes one minute.


  • Perform 2-sets of 12-reps.


  • You can also perform this workout without the dumbbells.


  • Avoid using a dumbbell if you don’t know how to do bicep curl properly.

15.Straight Leg Lifts

It is another effective thigh and hip exercise. It targets muscles of hamstrings, hip flexors, and quads.

How to do?

  • Lie on the mat with your back.
  • Place your right leg straight and left knee bent. Keep your left foot level to the ground and keep your arm on your sides.
  • Raise your right leg till you get level to your bent left leg.
  • Gently take down your right leg.
  • This workout takes 30-seconds for each leg.
  • Do this work out for left leg also.


  • Perform 1-set of 12-reps.


  • Raise your both legs together.


  • Avoid doing this workout if you have an injury in your knees.

16.Kick Back

Kick back exercise work on thighs and hips. It targets the muscles of quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

How to do?

  • Take a cat pose and place your knees and hands on the ground. Keep your palm level to the ground and maintain your back straight.
  • Maintain your body using your palms and left knees while making your right leg straight.
  • Now, elevate your right leg above your hips.
  • Put your toes pointed.
  • Now, lift your right leg above to hips level. Maintain your toes pointed.
  • Perform this workout for 10-times and change to your left leg.
  • This workout takes 30 seconds for a single leg.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps.


  • After kick back, bend your knees and take it near your chest before doing again.


  • Have your toes pointed and engage your core and do not arch down.

17.Curtsy Lunge

The curtsy lunge helps to work on thighs and hips and tone your thigh muscles. This workout target quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

How to do?

  • Stand straight by keeping your feet together. Engage your abs and shoulders lose.
  • Put your right leg behind to the side of your left leg.
  • Bend your right knee and takedown and keep your right knee level to the ground.
  • Now, lift and put your right leg backside as the beginning point.
  • Put your left leg backside to the side of your right leg.
  • Bend your left knee and take down your left knee close to the floor.
  • Now, lift and take back your left leg in the beginning position.
  • This exercise takes one minute.


  • Perform 2-sets of 10-reps


  • You can jump while changing your legs to make workout challenging.


  • Lunging wrongly can harm your knee, so perform correctly.

Other tips to tone thighs

Do strength training

Regularly doing strength training, and resistance training are important for toning thigh. Bodyweight workout is also essential for building toned sexy thighs. Doing exercise like squats, and lunges help to engage your large muscles of butts and thighs. These exercises help tone and shape your thigh muscles.


Doing lunge is one of the greatest and necessary thigh toning workouts. A static lunge is a convenient option. You can get help from your instructor to perform it properly.

Jump and Hop

Jumping workout always helpful to burn some calories. You can perform normal leg routine with power moves such as single-leg, squat jumps, and lateral ski. You do the Jump exercise with gentle squat. It helps to increase the polymeric version leg exercises.

Begin with your weaker side

You should always start from your weaker side. Most of the people have a weaker side on their left. You will use better when you are fresh, and it helps to do more repetitions. If you regularly use your weaker side such as lunges, your stronger sides remain strong and weaker side remain weak. Remember, the weaker side needs more attention to boost balance.

Work your core

Almost every workout requires core exercise for health and fitness. Doing core workout helps to engage your midsection muscles and strengthen posture. It will also strengthen your thighs. Training core section helps to prevent injuries by balancing support.

Do more cardio

Often women experience extra flab around legs, hips, and thighs. Toning certain areas of your body help to tone the entire body. Perform regular cardio workout and have healthy foods to drop the extra fat from thighs and other body parts.

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