Best Ways to Increase Oxygen Level In Blood

The blood oxygen level is a ratio of how much oxygen your red blood cells are taking. Your body nearly regulates the blood oxygen level. Balancing the proper oxygen-saturated blood is important for health.

Most adults and children do not need to monitor their blood oxygen levels. Many doctors will not check it unless you have risky signs of low blood oxygen, such as chest pain or breath shortness.

However, individuals with chronic health problems may require to monitor their blood oxygen level. It includes heart disease, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

In these circumstances, estimating blood oxygen levels can help to resolve if the treatments are working or if they should be changed.

How to Estimate Blood Oxygen Levels?

There are two distinct ways to regulate blood oxygen levels.

Arterial Blood Gas

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An arterial blood gas test is a blood test. It helps to regulate your blood oxygen level. It also detects the other gases levels pass in the blood, also know your pH levels. An arterial blood gas level is very accurate, but it is invasive. Your doctor will take out the blood from an artery rather than a vein to estimate the arterial blood gas. Unlike veins, arteries consist of pulse, which can feel. Also, blood withdraws from the arteries are oxygenated. Blood in your arteries is not oxygenated.

The artery in the wrist is used because it is easily felt in contrast to others in the body. The wrist is a sensitive part, so taking blood out can be more uncomfortable compare to a vein near the elbows. Arteries are also deeper than the veins.

Pulse oximeter

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A pulse oximeter is a method for non-invasive techniques, which serves to estimate the value of blood oxygen. It does so by carrying infrared light into blood vessels in the finger, earlobe, or toe. Then it helps to measures how much light is returned over the gases.

A reading shows what percentage of the blood is saturated, called as the SpO2. This test has a 2% error window. That implies the perusing might be as much as 2% higher or lesser than your genuine blood oxygen level.

Things like cold furthest points or dark nail polish can make the beat pulse ox read lesser than typical. Your primary care physician may eliminate the clean from nails before utilizing the machine or if your perusing appears to be unusual.

Since a pulse ox is non-invasive, you can do this test without anyone else. You can likewise get a pulse ox gadget at clinical stores. Take your doctor to assist with understanding the outcomes.

What Is the Normal Blood Oxygen Level?

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The measurement of blood oxygen is known as the oxygen saturation level. In medical terms, it is called as PaO2 when using a blood gas.  It is also called O2 sat (SpO2) when using a pulse ox. These guidelines help to know results mean.


A normal arterial blood gas oxygen level for healthy lungs has a normal range between 80 to 100 mm Hg. If a pulse ox estimated blood oxygen level (SpO2), a normal reading is generally between 95-100%.

However, in COPD or other lung problems, these ranges may not consider. Your physician will let you understand what is normal for your particular condition. For example, it is not common for people with severe COPD to balance their pulse ox level (SpO2) between 99-92%.

Below Normal

A below-normal blood oxygen level is described as hypoxemia. Hypoxemia often occurs for concern. Having a low oxygen level cause severe hypoxemia. It can lead to complications in your body organs and tissues.

Normally, a PaO2 reading lower than 80 mm Hg or a pulse ox-(SpO2) lower than 95% is considered low. It is essential to understand what is the normal range of oxygen, especially if you are suffering from a chronic lung condition.

Your doctor may advise good oxygen levels for your health.

Above Normal

If your breathing is not assisted, it’s hard for your oxygen levels to be excessively high. As a rule, high oxygen levels happen in individuals who utilize supplemental oxygen. It can be recognized on an ABG.

Signs of too low oxygen level?

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When your blood oxygen level lowers down to the typical range, you may experience the following signs:

  • Chest pain
  • confusion
  • breath shortness
  • headaches

If you have continued low levels of blood oxygen, you may get symptoms of cyanosis. You may have a blue discoloration of skin, nail, and mucus membranes.

Cyanosis is a serious condition. It is necessary to seek medical help to treat this condition.

Ways to Increase Oxygen Levels in Blood

Get in Shape

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The fitness level is an important factor for the oxygen level. Being shapeless causes poor oxygen levels in the blood. In most situations, if you do a daily workout, you will be capable of doing exercise at that level with almost stable O2 levels. However, if you suddenly raise the intensity length of the workout, you may see the oxygen level will lower down during the workout. If you have dropped oxygen level or your body is over-strained, then you will have indications of dizziness, gasping, or nausea.

To get good body shape, you need to challenge your body periodically 3-times a week. Avoid overdoing a workout but do it slowly to develop a regime. Intermittent workout allows times for the body to repair and balance new levels of fitness comfortably.

For example: If your fitness proposes to walk 15 miles in a week at a brisk pace, begin with one mile-3x a week, and increase gently to five miles-3x a week to get your purpose done. Be patient, and do not hurry to get shape. Make sure to warm up before doing an exercise. Do cool down after exercise. Also, take your doctor’s opinion if you are overweight or obese. It can be a great idea to get a fitness trainer’s guidance.

Alkaline Body pH

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The oxygen and pH levels have a significant link. As the pH levels get diminished, the versatility of oxygen present in hemoglobin particles likewise lower. However, as the body turns out to be highly alkaline, higher oxygen is discharged.

The pH range goes from 0-14, with seven being average. Lower than seven is acid, and over seven is alkaline. The cerebral spinal liquid and blood in the body produced to be somewhat alkaline at a pH of 7.4. While the body becomes alkaline, you will not crave for addictions like coffee, sugar, donuts, and tobacco.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

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Deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing is also called pranayama in yoga. It uses the full lungs and more oxygen and Qi or Prana. Deep breathing has been examined in the laboratory. In normal breathing, most individuals breathe 500 cubic centimeters of air and breath out the same. After breathing out, the lungs have almost become empty, but there is remaining air in the lungs. Pull your abdomen slightly after normal exhale to optimize breathing.

Complete exhalation and inhalation with the diaphragm use about 1600 cubic centimeters. You will know that your lung capacity will increase with time. Doing regular practice helps to take full breathing with oxygen.

The diaphragm is a round horizontal muscle, which connects to the rib intercostal muscles. As you breathe in, keep your thumbs over behind you to lower ribs. Squeez, and feel the extent of the air in the back of your lungs. Using this method, you can alter the oxygen consumption, greatly expand your breath capacity. Relaxed and slow breath without tension is the only way to develop strength. Use a stopwatch or count as you inhale to 6, hold 4, breath 6, and repeat 6-8 times.  It suggested performing before meals, combined with mindfulness and grace. It helps to relax your nervous system, improve digestion, and stimulate the organs.

Estimate Your O2 Uptake

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Pulse oximeters are useful tools for counting your blood oxygen level and pulse rate accurately and quickly. Oxygen saturation should always over 95%. Take an affordable pulse oximeter, clip it over your finger and measure O2 uptake, and pulse 5-6 times every day. Compare your O2 uptake and pulse when you do exercise and at rest. A few simple measurements are varied activity levels that will show you how to increase your blood oxygen level.

Stay Hydrated

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Hydration is necessary to enhance your oxygen level. H2O is composed of 2-hydrogen particles and 1-oxygen particles. Take adequate water to sustain your body hydration and increase blood oxygen.

If you wish to try other fluids, then consider smoothies, fresh fruit juices. Fresh vegetables and fruits provide plenty of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Therefore, blending fruits and vegetables increase absorption and digestion.


Skip sweet fruit juices like pears, oranges, mangos, grapes, and pineapple, which contain high sugar and cause acidity in the body.

Increase Your Glutathione levels

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Glutathione levels are known as strong antioxidants in the body. Glutathione is a tripeptide present in every cell in the body. It is also called the master antioxidant.

Consume Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)

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Apart from its free radical removing abilities, ALA is a strong antioxidant, which helps to alter gene expression to lower inflammation. It is a strong heavy metal chelator, and alone antioxidants are easily sent to the brain, which offers several benefits for people with brain disease, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. ALA can also reproduce other antioxidants, such as vitamin E and C and glutathione, so the body use antioxidants, and ALA help in reproducing them.

Take CoQ10

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CoQ10 is also known as ubiquinone used in every cell in the body. It helps to support mitochondria during energy generation. Apart from simply protecting you from free radicals, it helps to create more energy for cells, strengthen the immune system, boost heart health and nervous system, and anti-aging. Diseases connected with low CoQ10 levels include Fibromyalgia, depression, myocardial infarction, Prader-Willi syndrome, Peyronie’s disease, male infertility, Parkinson’s disease, and Migraines. People under 25 age can generate it. However, when you grow older, you need to get a ubiquinol supplement.

Check Your Iron

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You will need 8-18 mg of iron every day to prevent anemia, depending on your gender and age.

Fish and meat serve as the best sources of iron to support to meet your goals. Oysters are very high in iron, at 5mg per six oysters serving. A 3-ounce serving of dark-meat chicken provides 1.1 mg of iron.

An ounce of cashew nuts or a slightly baked potato each offers 1.9 mg of iron, while a half cup of kidney beans helps your iron consumption by 2 milligrams. Lentils comprise a significant measure of iron — 3.3 mg per 1/2 cup.

Check Iron Content in the Blood

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Normal red blood cells have plenty of iron, present in hemoglobin. Reduced iron levels are common. Reduce iron can cause anemia. Anemia requires a rich nutrition diet to treat it. Iron levels also necessary to bind the oxygen from the air you inhale, carry it to enter in tissues and cells.

Take some drops of Chlorophyll

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Chlorophyll helps to strengthen blood-producing organs. It also prevents anemia and provides plenty of oxygen. Chlorophyll contains powerful antioxidant and beneficial effects against insomnia, cancer, sinusitis, dental ailments, kidney stones, and pancreatitis problems.

Chlorophyll also provides anti-microbial and anti-aging properties, which helps to strengthen your immune system. Choose rich chlorophyll such as broccoli, spinach, kale, chlorella, mustard greens, blue-green algae.

Consume Vitamin B-12 or Folate

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If your diet lacks vitamin B-12 or folate, add foods rich with this nutrient to promote blood oxygen levels. Folate is also called vitamin B-9, which helps to create red blood cells, which are iron-rich cells that transport oxygen in the blood. Vitamin B-12 supports the creation of hemoglobin, the protein that comprises oxygen-carrying iron. Increasing folate consumption by eating citrus fruits and dark leafy greens helps to increase blood oxygen.

Take Baking Soda

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Sodium bicarbonate is also named as baking soda. It is likewise made in the pancreas to support digestion.

Baking soda compensates for stomach acid, which is generated during the digestive process and aid in different enzymes breakdown. Sodium bicarbonate level found in the body must be neither too high nor too low for normal digestion function.

Baking soda also helps in the detoxification process from heavy metals, chemical toxicity, and radiation. In cancer treatment, sodium bicarbonate is good medicine because it promotes oxygen and carbon dioxide and reduces cancer cells.

Sodium bicarbonate or carbon dioxide is necessary for oxygen in the body. Oxygen is incredibly harmful without carbon dioxide. Therefore, carbon dioxide is not a waste product; humans produce more carbon dioxide during a workout, which is healthy and beneficial.

Having more carbon dioxide help to dilate the blood vessels and increase blood flow that way it will increase oxygen.

How to use Baking soda?

Combine baking soda (1/4 teaspoon) with filtered water (half-glass). Consume this water in the morning and before sleeping. Use pH strips to evaluate saliva. Maintain your pH level of 7.4.

Check Your Vitamin A

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Vitamin A is important for producing oxygen-transporting red blood cells. Your body is consistently pumping out new red blood cells to restore old, and damaged cells. If you have vitamin A deficiency, then get more vitamin A to promote your hemoglobin levels. Therefore, blood cells can take oxygen in the whole body. You can find vitamin A from orange, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, mangoes, leafy greens like kale, and dairy products.

A Ketogenic Diet Can Improve Oxygen

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According to the study analysis, the ketogenic diet affects your oxygen levels. Ketogenic diets can be described in different ways. The ketogenic diet comprises of 50% of calories from fat, 5% from carbohydrates, and 45% from protein. According to a recent study, after 3-days on a ketogenic diet, the subject performed a workout test in which they exercise at varying intensities. Subjects over the ketogenic diet showed raised oxygen taken in by the lungs every minute, an excellent predictor of complete fitness. Subject consuming a mixed diet showed reduced oxygen intake levels. Furthermore, the ketogenic subjects revealed a reduced respiratory exchange ratio, indicating high fat was consumed for energy.

The Budwig Diet Can Improve Oxygenation

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The blood oxygen content can be stimulated by consuming protein synthesis with high sulphuric content, such as naturally fermented cottage cheese, quark, or yogurt, combined with flaxseed oil, which creates omega-3 oil water-soluble. This diet increases blood O2 levels, limit the spread of cancer, reduce cancer cells. It has been shown that the oxygen level in the cancer cells highly determines how bad cancer can spreads. Having less oxygen in cancer cells causes to increase cancer spread.

Consume sulfur-rich proteins like fermented dairy products to promote oxygenation in the body. According to Dr. Budwig, giving 3-6 tablespoons of flaxseed oil and 4 oz quark with yogurt every day improves the cancer condition.

Eat Oxygenating Foods

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0Add foods that increase your oxygen levels in the blood, such as turmeric, ginger, coconut oil, garlic, 100% chocolate, green tea, cayenne. Other foods include:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Artichokes
  • Blue-Green Algae
  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Mustard Greens
  • Fish
  • Water-Heavy Fruits
  • Beans
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Sunflower Seeds


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Laughing also increases your blood oxygen levels in both organs and cellular level. When you laugh, you take more oxygen in the type of short hyperventilation session.  Higher oxygen levels benefit your body, and you can also feel it. It massages your organs and improves digestion. Laughter moves the lymph fluids in the body from laughing contraction, which promotes immune system function and clears out the waste things from cells. Cancer cells cannot live in oxygen presence. More oxygen in the body helps to prevent any disease.

Take a Vacation to Ocean

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High altitude makes more difference in blood oxygen. Taking a break or vacation to sea level helps to increase the oxygen. It has a significant effect on blood oxygen. An individual may have a reading of 98% at 10,000 ft. Above 10,000 ft, a person may not manage to low oxygen levels, and O2 uptake may become harmful.

Get a Massage

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Massage also increases your blood oxygen in every cell in the body. Doing massage promotes all essential functions of the body by opening the liquid passages and increase energy movement in the body. It boosts the circulation of blood, nerves, and lymph, which removes toxins and improves nourishments.

Sleep in a High-Oxygen Environment

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Poor oxygen during sleep may damage your health. Obstructive sleep apnea can cause seriously low oxygen levels. Poor breathing during sleep disrupts the repair and restoring process of the body. Even you have poor ventilation in the bedroom can cause hypoxemia. OSA is difficult, as the tongue slip down in the neck and obstruct the airflow.

When the brain doesn’t get satisfactory oxygen, the sleeper somewhat wakes to unblock the throat block and improve the wind stream. Ongoing low degrees of oxygen in rest can cause an extreme cardiovascular issue, depression, daytime drowsiness, helpless fixation, and ADHD.

Intermittent Fasting

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Do intermittent fasting to improve mitochondrial function and cellular function. Mitochondrial dysfunction is the core of many diseases. It is not only essential what you eat but when and how you eat. You can alter your mitochondrial health by consuming real food that is high in fat, skip carbohydrates, and eat food before 3 hours of bedtime, and follow intermittent fasting.

Fasting shifts your body from utilizing glucose as its primary fuel to fat consumption, which improves your well-being for weight reduction. Fat is a far cleaner consuming fuel than sugars and produces less free radicals.

Glucose is a naturally dirty fuel as it produces more reactive oxygen species than fat. This practice also enhances your blood oxygen levels.

Train your body for Low Oxygen Environment

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If you train your body at 10,000 feet altitude where oxygen is less, your body will automatically increase oxygen absorption. An effective medical strength training system is known as Live O2.  Under the physician’s eye, you work out while breathing less oxygen air for a time, which stimulates the high altitude. Then complete oxygen is provided in an alternate period.

It helps your body to raise the functional intensity of the workout. By taking turns between less and high oxygen levels, this system helps to change tissue oxygenation, toxin flush, immunity, and strength training. Be cautious about choosing your physician who provides effective help.

Walk an hour a day

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Additionally, doing every day one-hour walk helps to keep you active throughout the day. Avoid sitting for long hours and keep walking around between work or other activities.


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