Early Signs And Symptoms Of Implantation

When a female experiences fertility therapy, you often get a raised awareness of the body. After embryo transfer, you will be looking for every potential sign of good news.

However, the symptoms of successful implantation can be detailed.  After all, implantation happens very near to when you would generally have a period. Therefore, it is easy to mistake the signs with the pre-menstrual pattern.

What is implantation?

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After the egg and sperm join, which is called conception, the combined cell begins multiplying very quickly and moves through one of your fallopian tubes to the uterus. It is a cluster of rapidly growing cells named a blastocyst.

Once in your uterus, this little group of cells has to attach or implant into your uterine wall.

This step is called implantation induces rising levels of all those fun pregnancy hormones, such as progesterone, estrogen, and hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin.

If implantation does not happen, your uterine lining is dropped in your regular monthly period, a serious problem if you are trying to conceive, but a reminder that your body is likely to try again.

But if implantation does not happen, your hormones are sometimes a nuisance, but perform their job because the placenta and the embryo that is your future baby to grow and your uterine lining to stay in place and help pregnancy.

Implantation occurs anywhere between 6-12 days after you ovulate. It most commonly happens 8-9 days after conception. Therefore, the exact date of implantation can depend on when you ovulated and whether conception happens early or late in the ovulation window.

When you are hoping to get pregnant, it is natural to know your body and see every change, no matter how small.

Assuming a lack of signs means you are not pregnant? not very fast.

Remember that most females experience no signs at all of implantation or conception and are still pregnant. Also, some women experience signs of implantation.

The Implantation Process

Here is where implantation fits in the pregnancy journey.


You need to ovulate means releasing an egg from your ovary in the fallopian tube to become pregnant.


After intercourse, sperm gro from the vagina to the cervix to fallopian tubes. It is where the sperm will likely meet an active egg.


When the sperm meets the egg and fertilization happen, that is called conception.


Around 7-days after sex, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus lining. It is called implantation.

Timing of Implantation

If you do unprotect sex anytime from around 5-days before 24 hours after ovulation happens, conception occurs. After conception, the process of getting pregnant still takes many days, because the fertilized egg and called a blastocyst has only started its long journey.

The blastocyst has to go through the fallopian tube into the uterus for implantation. As it makes this journey, it grows in with time and its cells get divided and reproduce.

A tissue called the trophoblast grows from the fertilized egg and encircle it. This trophoblast assists in the implant to blastocyst once it comes to the uterus.

The trophoblast starts to push its way into the uterine lining. Next, the trophoblast pulls the egg inside the uterine wall. It then provides blood to the fertilized egg.

Implantation happens around 9-days after ovulation. Around 25% of females experience bleeding with implantation. At this point, pregnancy has started.

If implantation does not happen, the fertilized egg will leave your body, probably during the period.

Conception does not automatically equal pregnancy or implantation.

Implantation and hCG

Implantation is the first sign for the body to begin producing hCG -human chorionic gonadotropin, also called the pregnancy hormone. A pregnancy test looks for the hCG presence confirmation.


Possible signs of implantation


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It is not completely clear how common implantation bleeding is. Some sources claim that one-third of every woman who gets pregnant feels implantation bleeding, but this is not backed by peer-reviewed research.

Up to 25% of females experience spotting or bleeding in the first trimester. Implantation is one cause of the first trimester bleeding. This bleeding can confuse you because it may occur when your period starts. Most commonly though, it will happen some days to a week before you expect the date of a menstrual period.

Some differences can help to know whether you are feeling implantation bleeding or your period:

implantation bleeding occurs in light pink or brown as opposed to the dark or bright red of your period. Implantation bleeding is more like spotting than blood flow.

This spotting may happen once, or remain for some hours, or even up to 3-days. You may see some brown or pink discharge when you wipe or over your underwear, but you will not require a complete tampon or pad, possibly not for several months.



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It is no secret that early pregnancy leads to rapid changes in hormones. More specifically, implantation is induced by the hormone wave that is why you cannot get that second pink line in the pregnancy test till after implantation.

Changing hormonal floods can also cause cramping. Moreover, there is more going on in your uterus as the fertilized egg implants and starts to grow.

While there is no research showing implantation itself leads to cramps, some females experience cramping during implantation, abdominal tenderness, and lower back pain. It may seem like a mild version of periods times.



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If you have seen your cervical mucus, it might be pregnancy. Like this, you are well aware of your body trying to conceive.

You may see some cervical mucus changes around the implantation time.

Throughout ovulation, the cervical mucus will be clear and stretchy like egg whites. You probably already understand this as your green light to have a healthy baby. Your mucus might get a gummier and thicker texture. It also has clear and white color.


In the early days of pregnancy, increasing estrogen and progesterone may cause thicker mucus, more white or yellow.

Cervical mucus can be impacted by different things such as stress, hormones, pregnancy, intercourse, period, or implantation bleeding. It may not reliable indicator of whether or not implantation has happened. Begin with tracking your cervical mucus while you are not getting pregnant, and a more helpful indicator may be how different it is from your measure during every stage of the cycle.

Tender Breasts

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After implantation, levels of hCG, progesterone, and estrogen all raise rapidly. It makes your breast very sore. These hormones assure multitaskers while different females feel breast tenderness and swelling before their periods. It is likely to be extra noticeable than common in the initial time of pregnancy.



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Nausea and morning sickness are popular symptoms of initial pregnancy. A high progesterone level after implantation can cause you to feel nauseous. But again, this most commonly happens around 4 or 5 weeks of pregnancy around the time of missed your period.

Progesterone slows down your digestion, which can lead to nausea. Increasing hCG levels and an extra sensitive sense of smell can make cause worse problems. Therefore, now might be a good time to skip cooking onions and liver.



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While they are best and necessary for a successful pregnancy, those highly increasing hormone levels like progesterone can also cause headaches after implantation.


Mood swings

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Feeling happy or sad or weeping while watching any commercial on TV or feeling excited to see your partner in the evening is mood swings.

Progesterone and estrogen, also hCG, increase very quickly after implantation. It can make you feel off of moodier than common.

Some females seem to get a one-day drop in temperature around the implantation time. It is different than the temperature that is like a period coming in the case of an expected time, your temperature would keep low.

In the case of implantation dip, you see drops for one day and keep back. It is thought that this might be because of the rise in estrogen, but it is completely not understood.

According to an analysis of more than 100,000 BBT charts from a famous app like Fertility Friend, 75% of pregnant ladies who use the app did not have an implantation dip. Additionally, a dip was noted in nearly 11% of the charts of a female who was not pregnant.

But, interestingly, 23% of app users who become pregnant did get an implantation dip. It is not a peer-reviewed, medically managed study.

Les explore some symptoms you might see if implantation has happened, but keep out the little disclaimer in mind:


How to find the difference between Your period and Implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding happens close to your period because several females think they are having their normal period. However, there are some important differences between implantation spotting and menstrual bleeding.

These include:


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Menstrual blood is commonly dark red, whereas spotting is either a rusty brown or pale pink.



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Unlike menstrual blood, implantation bleeding does not have to solidify or clot.



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Spotting is shorter than regular menstruation, which remains approximately 3-7 days. In contrast, spotting can last anything from only a few hours to around three days.



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Spotting is not as much as menstruation. For example, during spotting, it is unlikely you will require to wear a pad or tampon because it is more brown or pink discharge than you will notice after you go to the toilet.


Additional Signs of Successful Implantation

Implantation is the sign that your fertility treatment has been completed, and you may get pregnant. However, everyone is different, so there are some more symptoms that some females may get. Here are some symptoms of successful implantation.


Sensitive breasts

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After implantation, you might get that breast to become swollen or feel sore. It happens because of changes in hormone levels.


Changing tastes

Pregnancy can make you oppose some smells or tastes.


Blocked nose

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As the hormones level balance, it can lead to mucous membranes swelling. Some females also feel nose bleeds.



Hormonal changes can also impact your digestive system, leading to indigestion or constipation.

Can You Improve Your Chances Of Implantation?

The ovulation day and the 4-days before that are the most fertile days in a menstrual cycle. You may track your ovulation days from some symptoms and signs of an ovulation calculator. Doing unprotected intercourse during these days can increase your implantation chances.

Also, you may get the below tips to get a healthy lifestyle.


A Balanced Diet

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Fiber-rich foods help to boost healthy metabolism, estrogen levels, and digestion. You may consume dark leafy greens like kale, collard, ground flax seeds, beet greens, nuts, whole grains, and soaked seeds. Have around 28 gm of fiber every day.

Superfoods may help healthy hormonal levels. You may add cod liver oil, coconut oil, maca, goji to your diet.

Support the healthy growth of your uterine lining with safe herbs for pregnancy and foods for nourishing blood.

Herbs like nettle, hibiscus, yellow dock infusions, red raspberry, or extract may help. Blood nourishing foods include grass-fed meats, salmon, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, quinoa, and spirulina.

Add foods that might raise your body temperature.

The temperature of the body increases as progesterone levels increase.

Therefore, a warm womb is a safe environment to support a new baby. Try adding soups and stews with some warming herbs such as ginger, cinnamon, and cayenne.

Take Enough Rest

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While waiting for pregnancy news, you might often see yourself gripping jaw, shoulder, tummy, which are all stress signs. Try to skip thoughts and activities that are stressful. Have a good and healthy environment at work and home.

Take Sleep As Early As Possible In The Day.

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If you are into a heavy workout or running, change to fertility yoga or brisk walking.

Nest your womb, which means making it a good environment for the baby.

Get around, get a massage with your dear ones, plan for a calm outing.


Believe In Yourself

You may not get pregnant if you keep doubting about birthing a baby. Change your thought pattern and trust yourself. Negative thoughts could change the hormonal balance and affect your healthy ovulation possibilities, implantation, and pregnancy. Positive affirmations, meditation, and counseling could help to think positively about your body and inner self. However, it is not happening in one night. So, be positive with yourself.

What Is Abnormal Implantation?

Abnormal implantation happens when the implantation does not happen in the lining of the uterine or when the placenta does not form in the right way. In some cases, implantation could be normal, but the formed embryo might be abnormal.

Why Does Abnormal Implantation Happen?

In rare cases, some females could get abnormal implantation that causes pregnancy loss, which includes:


Ectopic Pregnancy

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When the fertilized egg implants the outer side of the uterus called an ectopic pregnancy. The implantation happens in the fallopian tube when the embryo fails to go into the uterus. In the process, sometimes it may happen and attach to the abdomen or ovary. This type of pregnancy might cause heavy internal bleeding and tubal tear. Therefore, it needs the instant attention of experts. There is always a risk of repeat ectopic pregnancy in the future.


Hydatidiform Mole

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It happens when the fast-dividing blastocyst implants itself into the uterine wall but does not grow into a healthy embryo. Instead of an embryo, the blastocyst turns into a tumor. You may feel all the symptoms of pregnancy and have a positive pregnancy test because of hCG production by the tumor cells. You may be able to find out the presence of hydatidiform mole only by ultrasound.


Problems with the placenta

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Abnormalities linked to the placenta are dependent on where the implantation happens. If the placenta function is adversely impacted, the pregnancy might be successful. Placental problems could cause Pregnancy loss and early miscarriage. If placental abnormalities happen later in the pregnancy, they might lead to pre-term birth, causing complications for baby and mother.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Is Long Does Implantation Bleeding Last?

The implantation bleeding may remain for some hours to 2 days. In rare cases, it may continue for more than two days. The length is likely to depend on the blood quantity that is released in the embryo implementation process.

How Long Does Implantation Cramping Remain?

Implantation cramping might stay for five minutes. In some cases, the cramps may remain less than five minutes or around 2-days.

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