1500 Calorie Diet Plan

Understanding Calorie Needs

Table of Contents

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1500 Calorie Diet Plan 1

It is important to know exactly what need calories for your diet plan. 1500 calories are the best guideline for several people. The number of calories you need depends on various factors, such as age, physical activity, gender, weight loss goal, and total health. Calculating calories is important for weight loss and managing health. Try to calculate the total number of calories you usually burn in one day, which is known as TDEE-total-daily-energy-expenditure, to estimate the overall calories need(Source). You can use an online calculator for calorie counting.

Here is the Mifflin-St. Jeor sum for both male and female:

  • Male: Calories per day = 10x(weight in kg) + 6.25x(height in cm) – 5x(age) + 5
  • Female: Calories per day = 10x(weight in kg) + 6.25x(height in cm) – 5x(age) – 161

To figure your TDEE, the appropriate response from the Mifflin. St. Jeor’s condition is then multiplied by an amount relating to your degree of movement, known as an active factor.

Here are 5 different activity level:

  • Sedentary: x 1.2 (idle individuals who do little to no exercise)
  • Lightly active:x 1.375 (light practice less than 3 days every week)
  • Moderately active:x 1.55 (average exercise most maximum days of the week)
  • Very active:x 1.725 (hard work out every day)
  • Extra active:x 1.9 (strenuous exercise 2 or more extra times per day)

After knowing your TDEE by multiplying the Mifflin answer. St-Jeor calculation with the right activity factor, calories can be managed depending on your goal for weight loss.

Formulating a calorie shortage for weight loss

While weight loss is extra complex than the calories in and calories out a way of believing, normally speaking, a calorie deficit requires to be created to reduce body fat.

In most cases, a reduction of 500 calories every day is recommended to reduce one pound that is 450 gm every week.

Though it would compare to a 52 pounds that are 23.5 kgs weight loss in one year, studies show that the average rate of weight reduction is much slower.

Biological and behavioral factors, like dietary adherence and variation in metabolic rates and gut bacteria, cause people to lose weight at different rates. For example, a review of 35 research studies noted weight loss of 0.004 to 2.5 pounds (0.002–1.13 kg) every week when calories were restricted by 240 to 1,000 calories every day (Source).

Rather than setting an unreliable goal, aim for consistent and slow weight loss of 1-2 pounds that 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

However, since weight loss changes drastically from one person to another. It is important to not get disappointed if you are not having weight loss as quickly as you expected. Striking physical activity, spending less time sitting, focusing on whole foods, cutting out extra sugars help with weight loss and keep you on track.

Foods to Eat on A 1,500-Calorie Diet

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When trying for weight loss and follow better-eating habits, it is necessary to choose unprocessed and whole foods. Though it is healthy to get a treat now and then, the majority of your diet should be made up following foods:

Non-starchy vegetables: Kale, spinach, broccoli, arugula, peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower, asparagus, tomatoes, etc.

Fruits: Apples, Berries, pears, melon, citrus fruits, grapes, bananas, etc.

Starchy vegetables: Sweet potatoes, peas, Potatoes, butternut squash, plantains, etc.

Fish and shellfish: Salmon, cod, Sea Bass, shrimp, clams, sardines, oysters, trout, etc.

Eggs: Try Whole eggs for more nutrient-dense than egg whites.

Poultry and meat: Turkey, Chicken, beef, lamb, and bison, etc.

Plant-based protein sources: Tempeh, Tofu, and plant-based protein powders.

Whole grains: Brown rice, Oats, farro, bulgur, barley, quinoa, millet, etc.

Legumes: Kidney beans, Chickpeas, lentils, black beans.

Healthy fats: Olive oil, Avocados, avocado oil, unsweetened coconut, coconut oil, etc.

Dairy products: Low-fat plain yogurt, Full-fat, kefir, and full-fat cheeses.

Nuts, Seeds, and nut butter: Macadamia nuts, Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almond butter, natural peanut butter, and tahini.

Plant-based milk (Unsweetened): Almond, Coconut, hemp milk, and cashew.

Seasonings: Garlic, Turmeric, rosemary, oregano, black pepper, chili pepper, salt, etc.

Condiments: Salsa, Apple cider vinegar, garlic powder, lemon juice, etc.

Non-calorie beverages: Water, coffee, sparkling water, green tea, etc.

Make sure to consume sufficient fiber-rich foods and good quality protein at each meal.

Protein is the most filling of the 3 macronutrients and mixing a protein with fiber sources, such as beans, non-starchy vegetables, or berries can help to prevent overconsumption. Research indicates that both high protein and high fiber diets are effective at boosting fat loss.


Foods to avoid

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Added sugar and processed should be kept to a reduction in any health plan for weight loss. Limiting or cutting out the following foods can help for weight loss and improve overall health.

Fast food: Fries, Chicken nuggets, hot dogs, pizza, etc.

Refined carbs:  Sugary cereals, White bread, white pasta, crackers, corn chips, bagels, tortillas, etc.

Added sugars:  Candy, Sugary snack bars, baked goods, table sugar, candy, agave, etc.

Processed foods: Processed meats, Packaged foods, boxed pasta dishes, cereal bars, etc.

Fried foods: Deep-fried foods, Potato chips, mozzarella sticks, doughnuts, etc.

Diet and low-fat foods: Low-fat ice cream, low-calorie candies, Diet bars, low-fat chips, diet frozen meals, etc.

Sweetened beverages: Fruit juice, Soda, energy drinks, sweetened coffee drinks, flavored milk, etc.

Although having the food or drink you like now and then will not cause difficulties to weight loss goals, combining regularly.

For example, if you have a habit of having ice cream every night after dinner, limit your consumption to one portion of ice cream once or twice a week. Overcoming these habits that restrict weight loss may take time, but it is necessary to reach wellness goals.


7-Day Diet Plan

Day 1:

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Morning: (6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Consume lukewarm water with 1-apple cider vinegar (1 calorie)

Breakfast: (Time: 8:15 am – 8:45 am) (360 calories)

Eat a 1-boiled egg

half avocado and 4-almonds

Then eat 1-multigrain toast

with one cup of black coffee


Mid-Morning: (10:30 a.m)

Eat 1 apple with one cornbread (257 calories)

Lunch: (12:30 – 1:00 p.m)

Eat half cup lettuce with 1 cup veggies containing zucchini, tomato, bell pepper.

Eat 3 oz grilled chicken or half cup black beans (boiled) with a light dressing of 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoon lime juice, and half a cup of low-fat yogurt (552 calories)

Evening Snack: (4:00 p.m)

Eat one cup watermelon with 10 in-shell pistachios (85 calories)

Dinner: (7:00 p.m)

Eat 3 oz grilled salmon or half cup sauteed mushrooms, garlic, half cup blanched baby spinach, half cup thinly sliced carrots, cucumber, beetroots, one cup warm low-fat milk or soy milk (293 calories).

Whole 1547 calories


You will consume whole food right after wake up. But if you are around 10 pounds overweight, to start your metabolism and cell functions, you need to begin the workout. But do not worry, you can begin with light cardio. If you are already having an active lifestyle, then keep doing your exercise routine or perform stretching.

Day 1 Exercise Routine

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Head tilt – 2 sets with 10 reps

Wrist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Shoulder rotation – 2 sets with 10 reps

Waist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Ankle rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Arm rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Standing touch toes – 1 set with 10 reps

Side lunges – 1 set with 10 reps

Jumping jacks – 1 set with 10 reps

Forward lunges – 1 set with 10 reps

Full squat – 1 set with 10 reps

High jump – 2 sets with 10 reps

Russian dance – 1 set with 10 reps

Twist – 1 set with 10 reps

Sit-ups – 2 sets with 5 reps


How You Will Feel After Day 1

Day one will likely difficult day of a 1500 calorie diet. That is because you will not be permitted to consume any high-calorie and fewer-nutrition foods. More leafy green veggies, protein, and healthy fats will manage the diet which will prevent craving. If you are an overeating eater, you may feel mood swings as your body will not get eventually salty or sugar rush to munch on. But the lighter side is, after day one, you will feel proud of yourself for achieving day-1 of the 1500 calorie diet effectively.


Day 2:

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Early Morning (Time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Consume warm water with half lime juice (4 calories)

Breakfast (Time: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m)

Eat half cup quinoa and veggies (peas, carrots, and tomato)

Eat two almonds and one cup of grapefruit juice (206 calories).

Mid-Morning (Time: 10:30 a.m)

Eat one cup tomato juice and one dash of lime juice with some salt (52 calories)

Lunch (Time: 12:30 – 1:00 p.m)

Eat 4 oz baked or grilled tuna that shredded, or 3 oz grilled tofu, half cup wheat bow tie pasta, 3 oz grilled tofu, with salt, olive, and pepper (493 calories).

Evening Snack (Time: 4:00 p.m)

Eat half cup cucumber slices (8 calories).

Dinner (Time: 7:00 p.m)

Half bowl chickpea curry, half cup low-fat yogurt, and two flatbreads. (765 calories)

On day 2 also, you need to do some light workouts to burn calories. On this day you will do a mix of yoga or cardio.

Total – 1532 Calories


Day 2 Exercise Routine

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Head tilt – 2 sets with 10 reps

Shoulder rotation – 2 sets with 10 reps

Ankle rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Arm rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Wrist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Jumping jacks – 2 sets with 20 reps

Waist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Mountain climbers – 2 sets with 10 reps

Spot jogging – 3-5 minutes

Explosive forward lunges – 1 set with 10 reps

Adho Mukha Shavasana






How You Will Feel After the End of Day 2

After day 2, you will feel more comfortable with the 1500 calorie limit. You will begin to enjoy the clean eating habit that you are growing gradually. The exercise routine will also help to rejuvenate body parts and keep you active. Also, you will begin enjoying clean eating habits.


Day 3

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Early-Morning (Time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Eat One cup of fenugreek water (overnight soaked) (24 calories)

Breakfast (Time: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m)

Eat Smoothie prepared of 1-apple, 4 almonds, 1-cup soy milk or low-fat milk, and 2 dates) with 1 banana or 1 boiled egg (445 calories)

Mid-Morning (10:30 a.m)

Have half cup baby carrots with 1oz hummus (64 calories)

Lunch (12:30 – 1:00 p.m)

Eat Sprout salad of

Half cup boiled bean sprouts

Handful cilantro

Red onions ¼ cup

Chopped tomatoes ¼ cup

Chopped iceberg lettuce

Lime juice 2 tablespoon

Buttermilk 1 cup

10 macadamia nuts

Evening Snack (Time: 4:00 p.m)

Have one cup of orange juice (111.6 calories)

Dinner (Time: 7:00 p.m)

Eat 1 cup chicken soup or squash, low-fat vanilla ice cream(1 scoop), 2 flatbreads (694 calories)

Total 1472 calories

On day 3 also do exercise but only yoga.

 Day 3 Exercise Routine 

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  • Head tilt – 2 sets with 10 reps
  • Shoulder rotation – 2 sets with 10 reps
  • Arm rotation – 1 set of with reps
  • Wrist rotation – 1 set of with reps
  • Ankle rotation – 1 set of with reps
  • Waist rotation – 1 set of with reps
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Padahastasana
  • Kapalbhati
  • Marjariasana
  • Ardhahalasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • Shavasana

How You Will Feel After the End of Day 3

After day 3, you will feel less bloated as you reduce water weight. You will also look slimmer. Your progress will increase your motivation.


Day 4

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Early Morning (Time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Drink warm water with one teaspoon apple cider vinegar (1 calorie)

Breakfast (Time: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m)

Eat one cup grapefruit juice and one pancake of wheat flour banana (194.6 calories)

Mid-Morning (Time: 10:30 a.m)

Have half a cup of pomegranate (72.2 calories)

Lunch (Time: 12:30 – 1:00 p.m)

Eat Roasted turkey with half avocado, cayenne pepper, and ¼ cup yogurt (low-fat) on the side with 1 cornbread and collard greens (514 calories)


Eat lettuce wrap with bell pepper, tomato, avocado, cottage cheese, one cornbread, and pickled jalapenos (525.4 calories)

Evening Snack (Time: 4:00 p.m)

Eat pistachios with 500 ml coconut water (200 calories)

Dinner (Time: 7:00 p.m)

Eat mushroom or stir-fried chicken breast with veggies and one cup cooked brown rice (516 calories)

Reducing weight can be less easy if you combine workout and diet.

Total – 1509.2 calories


Day 4 Exercise Routine

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Head tilt – 2 sets with 10 reps

Shoulder rotation – 2 sets with 10 reps

Wrist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Arm rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Waist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Bicep curls (2-5 pounds weights) – 2 sets with 10 reps

Ankle rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Bent over row (2 pounds dumbbells) – 1 set with 10 reps

Tricep extension (2-5 pounds weights) – 2 sets with 10 reps

Forward lunges (2-pound dumbbells) – 1 set with 10 reps

Forward elbow plank – 15 second’s hold

Side plank – 15 second’s hold

Horizontal kicks – 1 set with 10 reps

Lying leg up – 1 set with 10 reps



How You Will Feel After The End Of Day 4

You will start to love your body looks by day 4. You will also have an increased sense of responsibility for your health and body for a better lifestyle and good diet. If you stop the new diet and its routine, you will gain water weight gain. Therefore, stick with this diet for some more days to burn fat.

Day 5

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1500 Calorie Diet Plan 12

Early Morning (Time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Have warm water with one teaspoon apple cider vinegar. (1 calorie)

Breakfast (Time: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m)

Eat one banana or one boiled egg with one multigrain toast and one cup of low-fat milk with two tablespoons of peanut butter

(521.6 calories)

Mid-Morning (Time: 10:30 a.m)

Eat 10 macadamia nuts and one cup of apple juice (110 calories).

Evening Snack (Time: 4:00 p.m)

Eat 1-cup celery and balsamic vinegar (48 calories)

Have 1-cup of low-fat yogurt (106 calories)

Dinner (7:00 p.m)

Eat 5 oz lean steak

Bell peppers


5 grilled broccoli florets

Dark chocolate 1 piece (347 calories)


Eat one pita bread, kidney bean chili, cucumber, tomato, and carrot salad. (337.8 calories)

Total – 1427 calories


Day 5 Exercise Routine

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1500 Calorie Diet Plan 13

Head tilt – 2 sets with 10 reps

Arm rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Shoulder rotation – 2 sets with 10 reps

Wrist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Ankle rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Waist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Zumba – 60 minutes

Swimming – 2-4 laps

Bicycling – 30 minutes (stop to catch a breath every 10 minutes)

Long walk – 60 minutes

Play a sport – 60 minutes

After doing warm-up, you can choose any above-mentioned workout.

How You Will Feel After the End of Day 5

After day 5 of the 1500 calorie diet, you will feel rejuvenated, fresh and active. Eating healthy helps to provide nutrition problems and prevent bad eating habits while workout will help to relax.


Day 6

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Day 6 is your cheat day. You are allowed to eat 500 calories more than 2000 calories. You can eat savory or sweet or both but do not eat more than 2000 calories. Follow this diet.

Early Morning (Time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Drink one cup of Ceylon cinnamon and fenugreek (overnight soaked) water

(37 calories).

Breakfast: (Time: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m)

Eat two medium waffles, 2-tablespoon maple syrup, one cup of black coffee, and 2 almonds (290 calories)

Mid-Morning (Time: 10:30 a.m)

Eat 1 banana (110 calories)

Lunch (Time: 12:30 – 1:00 p.m)

Eat Asian type pan-fried shrimps with onions, bok choy, green onion, mushroom, bell pepper, and sesame seeds with one cup of cooked brown rice, mango, peach, and custard with apples (790.8 calories)


Eat half cup black-eyed peas, one cup cooked brown rice, kidney beans, stuffed bell pepper with veggies, mango, peach, and custard containing apple (750.5 calories).

Evening Snack (Time: 4:00 p.m)

Eat two saltine crackers or half a cup of popcorn with one cup of oolong tea. (26 or 32 calories).

Dinner (Times: 7:00 p.m)

Eat chicken breast stuffed with low fat and 1/4 cup mashes potato, half cup carrot, broccoli, asparagus, and one medium chocolate cake. (579.4)


Eat broccoli and spinach wheat linguine with creamy butternut squash sauce with one medium chocolate cake (518.9)

Total – 1738-1833 calories


Day 6 Exercise Routine

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After doing 5 days workout, resting is also important when it is about weight loss. If you consume too little or exercise more it can harm your health. Relax and let your body recover and rejuvenate itself. Therefore, take a break from your routine on this day.

How You Will Respond After The End Of Day 6

After day 6, you will notice the difference in your weight and toned body. After one day’s rest, you will feel eager to know what is there on day 7 of this diet.

Day 7

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Early Morning (Time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m)

Consume warm water with one lime juice (4 calories).

Breakfast (Time: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m)

Eat 1-cup oatmeal, one tablespoon chia seeds, ¼ cup blueberry with 1 cup black coffee (311 calories).

Mid-Morning (Time: 10:30 a.m)

Have one cup of watermelon (46.2)

Almonds 14 (146 cal)

Lunch (Time: 12:30 – 1:00 p.m)

Eat 1 ½ cup baby spinach(blanched)

Grilled tofu

½ cup cherry tomatoes(sliced)

thin dressing made from lime juice, Dijon mustard (1 tablespoon), olive oil (2 tablespoons)

¼ cup yogurt (644.9 calories) and mango

Evening Snack (Time: 4:00 p.m)

Eat hummus with half a cup of baby carrots (78.6)

Dinner (Time: 7:00 p.m)

Eat half cup raw salad prepared with tomato, cucumber, and lime juice and 1-cup chicken stew (301.8 calories)


Eat 1 cup grilled veggies, ½ cup boiled beans, 1 cup warm low-fat milk or soy milk (332 calories)

Total – 1516 calories

Day 7 Exercise Routine

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Day 7 is a day after the cheat day, you need to work out in the morning or evening to avoid calories stored as fat. You are an active person and may require those calories to perform some work. Here is your day 7 exercise.

Head tilt – 2 sets of with reps

Wrist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Shoulder rotation – 2 sets with 10 reps

Waist rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Arm rotation – 1 set of with reps

Side lunges – 2 sets with 10 reps

Ankle rotation – 1 set with 10 reps

Burpees – 1 set with 10 reps

Full squat – 2 sets with 10 reps

Forward lunges – 2 sets with 10 reps

Bicycle crunches – 2 sets with 10 reps

Pushups – 1 set with 10 reps

90-degree leg up – 2 sets with 10 reps

Scissor kicks – 2 sets with 10 reps

Tricep dips – 1 set with 10 reps

Forward plank – 15-second hold

Bicep curl – 1 set with 10 reps



How You Will Feel After the End of Day 7

After day 7, you will feel satisfied with the results of a slimmer appearance and feel energized with confidence.

What Should You Do Following Day 7?

After completing 7 days diet plan of 1500 calories, you can eat 1800-2000 calories every day. You can again begin the 1500 calorie diet after 1-2 weeks. Also, you should follow a healthy lifestyle to skip adding more weight. Here is what you change.


Lifestyle Changes

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Have something every 2-3 hours.

Eat 5-6 meals per day.

Keep a regular workout routine.

Adding green leafy veggies, dietary fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats into your diet.

Drink 2-4 liters of water every day.

Never avoid breakfast and do not overeat with dinner.

Avoid junk food.

Avoid or consume moderate alcohol.

Skip artificially sweetened, aerated, and fruit juices and drinks.

Talk with people who are serious about weight loss, develop social support.

Get 7-8 hours of complete sleep every night.

Join a dance lesson or sports club.

Do something to prevent stress.


Successful Weight Loss Tips

While following a 1500 calorie diet may help with weight loss, there are many other ways to make this diet work with healthy tips.

Aware of Your Calorie Intake

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Though you may believe that you are consuming less, it is simple to minimize the food amount that you are eating. Keep a food diary or use a calorie tracking app to make sure you are under the control of calorie requirements.

Logging snacks, meals, and drinks along with the calories help to track and lower the underestimating chances of calorie intake.

Although tracking foods is a beneficial tool when the first beginning

Focusing on your portion control, consuming whole foods, keeping mindful eating, and doing exercise are the best ways to keep weight off in the long term.

Eat Whole Foods

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Any healthy diet plan should rotate around whole and natural foods. Beverages and processed foods like candy, fast food, baked goods, soda, and white bread are not healthy and highly contribute to the obesity epidemic. Although low-fat snacks and processed meals may seem like a good choice when trying to reduce weight, these foods often consist of ingredients like extra sugars that can lead to weight gain and inflammation.

Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, nuts, poultry, and seeds provide full nutrients and keep you more full than processed foods.

Basing your food around whole, one-ingredient food is one of the good ways to boost lasting weight loss or to manage healthy body weight.


Be More Active

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Even though it is possible to reduce weight by only lowering calories, including a workout into your routine not only boosts weight loss but increases all health. While beginning a new fitness program may feel like a daunting task, it does not have to be. If you have never workout, simply going on a walk for half an hour 3 times a week is the best way to promote activity. Once you get into a better physical shape, include different workout types or activities like hiking, swimming, biking, or jogging.

More workouts can promote mood and lower the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Don’t Obsess with Your Weight

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While people commonly state that they wish to lose weight, they mean that they want to reduce fat. When you get a healthy lifestyle, a sustainable weight loss plan includes more exercise, you should gain muscle mass.

Though this causes slower weight loss, more muscle mass helps the body to burn fat. Depend less on the scale and try out different methods to track your fat loss, such as measuring thighs, belly, hips, upper arms, and chest. It can show that even though the scale tells slow weight loss, you are still having fat loss and muscle gain.

The bottom line

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Not matter what is your weight loss goal, lowering extra calories and continued physical activity is important. A 15,00-calorie diet meets your need for fat loss and improves health. Like any healthy diet, it also includes whole and unprocessed foods. Lowering extra calories and using the simple tips given above help for successful weight loss.

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